<br />~~!
<br />Article X Orange County hereby amends the Oran;;e County `Lon-Cna Urdinance with
<br />regulations t~ prcutate [ire preservation of the EiLo liver a~td its
<br />environs in Eno Township. The following use districts aze es tabli.shed_
<br />Section 1: Flgoclcray Distri.ct_ Tt is hereby detla; ed thaL' th4 chzinnel and i• portion
<br />of the flood(plain of the Eno River trill be desi~;n~ited as a f]-oodwa}~, i.n
<br />which artificial obstructions may not be placecl except as permitted .in this
<br />ordinance. The purpose of. this district is to help control and mininii~:e the
<br />extent of floods by preventing obstructions which inhibit water flow and
<br />increase flood height and drainage and thereby prevent or niinirsize. lass of
<br />life, injuries, property damage and other losses 3n flood hazard areas.
<br />1.1 Defina.tions:
<br />l) "Artificial obstructions" means any obstruction trhich is not a natural
<br />-... obstruction, including any which, while not a significant obstruction
<br />- in itself, is capable of accumulating debris and, thereby xeduting the
<br />flood carrying capacity.of- the stream:. _
<br />2) "Floodway" means that portion of the channel and flood plain designated
<br />' to provide passage for the lOq year flood, without increasing the elevati
<br />_ of that flood at any point"by more than one foot. - -
<br />- 3)- "Natural obstruction" includes any rock, tree, gravel, o.~ analogous
<br />natural matter that is an obstruction and has been located t•rithia the
<br />floodtay by a non-human cause..
<br />l_2 Delineation of floodtay: The floodway may be delineated with the
<br />assistance of the U. S. Geological Survey, the Army Corps of Engineers,
<br />the Soil Conservation Service, or any other competent agency.
<br />1.3 Floodcaay uses:, The following uses will be permitted trithin the floodway.
<br />1. General farming, pasture, outdoor plant nurseries, hoxticult±ire,
<br />forestry,-tr_ldlife sanctuary, game farm, and other similar agriculttira;
<br />wildlife and related uses. ~~ •
<br />2. Loading areas, parking. areas, rotary aircraft ports, and similar
<br />industrial commercial uses.
<br />3. Lawns, gardens, parking, play areas, and other similar uses.
<br />~_ Golf courses, tennis courts, driving ranges, archery ranges, picnic
<br />grounds, parks, swi'~'ind pools, hiking or horsebac'~:-riding trails,
<br />open space and other siinS.lax private and public recreations.]. uses_
<br />]_-.streets, hzidgas,, ov2rhead utility lines, cFeek and stows drai_n.age
<br />facilities, sewage or waste treatment plant outlets, Crater supply
<br />intake structures, and other similar public, coimnunity, or utility uses.
<br />6. Temporary facilities such as displays, circuses, carnivals, or
<br />similar transient amusement enterprises ~ '
<br />7. Boat docks, ramps, piers, or similar structures.
<br />8. Rams.
<br />Section 2. Cansexvation Setback District: The .purpose of this district is to
<br />conserve the natural condition of the borders of the E~:no River in order to
<br />promote the high quality of the water in the river, to pxesezve the natural
<br />- and scenic resources which are part of the Eno River and its environs and
<br />to protect steep slopes from development which. would endanger life and property
<br />and the water and other natural resources of the Eno Fiver.
<br />