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446 <br />the driver, thus distracting the driver and that he proposed the <br />installation of some type of partition directly behind the driver <br />in order to prevent his being startled or hurt by objects. He <br />suggested a type of plexiglas which would allow the driver to survey <br />the bus. Mr. Mellott said that since he became interested in the <br />matter of bus transportation, he had noted that school buses were <br />using the Interstate Highways and that he felt this was dangerous due <br />to the fact that 'school buses have a 35 mile per hour governors and <br />that large trucks and fast moving traffic did provide severe traffic <br />hazards. He suggested that no Interstate highway be included as part <br />of a bus route. <br />Jayce Vogel stated that she concurred with the statements make <br />by previous speakers and she urged the County School Board to take <br />another look at the budget and incorporate into their budget the <br />same items requested from the Chapel Hill -Carrboro School Board. <br />Discussion ensued concerning the School Bus Maintenance Garage <br />personnel and their responsibilities. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, the meeting was;}a~djourned. <br />~~~ "^, <br />Flora R. Garrett, Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF CQA7MISSIONERS <br />Monday, June 7, 1976 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session <br />on Monday, June 7, 1976, at 10:00 a.m., in the Commissioners Room of <br />the Courthouse in Hillsborough. <br />Members present were Chairman Flora Garrett, Commissioners Norman <br />Gustaveson, Jan Pinney, Norman Walker and Richard Whitted. <br />Members absent were none. <br />Others present were S. M. Gattis, County Administrator; Betty <br />June Hayes, Clerk to the Board; Neal Evans, Finance Director; A. B. <br />Coleman, Jr., and Jeff Gledhill, County Attorneys. <br />Vice-Chairman Whitted opened the meeting while Chairman Garrett <br />ma~ a telephone call. <br />The fir6t item of business was persons not on the Agenda having <br />business to transact with the Board should make their presence known <br />at this time. <br />No one came forth, and Vice-Chairman Whitted referred to Item II - <br />Approval of Minutes. <br />The minutes of the May 11, 1976 meeting were reviewed and changes <br />indicated. Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded'by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted to approve the minutes of May 11, <br />1976. <br />The minutes of May 18, 1976 were reviewed and upon motion of <br />Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, it was <br />moved and adopted to approve the May 18, 1976 minutes. <br />The minutes of the May 20, 1976 meeting were reviewed and the <br />Board agreed to hold these minutes until the tape was checked to verify <br />action taken on page 4. <br />The minutes of May 24, 1976, were reviewed and upon motion of <br />Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Whitted, it was moved <br />and adopted to approve the May 24, 1976 minutes.. <br />