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<br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />A Resolution Determining A Significant Financial Crisis Exists Which Will Result <br />In A Decrease Of Revenue to the County and Temporary Cost Saving Measures Are <br />Necessary to Balance the County's Budget for the FY 2009-2010 <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners finds that Orange County <br />residents and businesses are suffering from the effects of a significant state and national <br />financials crisis; and <br />WHEREAS, the financial crisis has resulted in large reduction in revenues projected to <br />be available to fund the County's budget for the FY 2009-2010; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County Budget Office has calculated the revenues available to the <br />County for the FY 2009-2010 from the taxes paid by residents and businesses, and <br />determined expenditures for the FY 2009-2010 will exceed revenues unless additional <br />actions are taken; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of County Commissioner is required to ensure <br />that the County's budget for FY 2009-2010 year is balanced in a manner that carefully <br />balances the rights of residents and businesses to government services and the interest of <br />County employees who provide those services; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Manager has recommended to the Board of County <br />Commissioners feasible cost saving alternatives to consolidating, reorganizing or <br />abolishing programs or departmental units which could result in the loss of one (1) or <br />more non-vacant permanent or provisional position; and <br />WHEREAS, the employee related temporary cost saving measures for FY 2009-2010 <br />recommended by the County Manager are: the suspension of the Supplement Retirement <br />[401(k) Plan] Employer Contribution provided in Article IV, Section 9.4 for non-law <br />enforcement officer (LEO) employees; the implementation of a Furlough Plan, as <br />provided in Article 1V, Section 24.0; and a Retirement Incentive Program as provided in <br />Article V, Section 21.0; and <br />WHEREAS, a furlough is unpaid leave, whether voluntary or involuntary, which does <br />not require the employee to lose seniority, employer paid benefits and allows the <br />employee to earn and retain all leave at the same rate, unless otherwise provided by the <br />Board. <br />WHEREAS, the implementation of these cost savings measures will begin on July 1, <br />2009 and are necessary to balance the County's budget for FY 2009-2010 and will end on <br />June 30, 2010, unless the Board by resolution determines that continued cost saving are <br />necessary to balance the budget. <br />