Orange County NC Website
Created 4/12/07 <br />School Facilities <br />Goal Statement -Identify long-range new and existing capital needs of both <br />Chapel Hill Carrboro City and Orange County Schools and <br />develop funding plans to meet the needs. <br />Objectives <br />1. Work with the Towns to identify suitable potential school sites that the County <br />may consider land banking for future use. <br />2. Adhere to County Capital Funding Policy and annually adopt aten-year <br />Capital Investment .Plan (CIP) that identifies future facility needs and funding <br />plans to meet those needs. <br />3. In accordance with the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance <br />(SAPFO}, anticipate future school construction needs and incorporate those <br />needs into the CIP. <br />4. In planning future financial resources required to fund new County and School <br />facilities, ensure that the County does not exceed its capacity limit of fifteen <br />percent of total General Fund revenues. <br />5. Analyze, in conjunction with School staffs and possibly School Collaboration <br />Work Group, the full impact of stafFng, operational, capital and debt service <br />costs Board's commitment to fund. <br />6. Support legislation to provide state assistance to meet school construction <br />needs caused by increased enrollment and mandated reduction in class size, <br />through a statewide referendum on a bond issue and/or through authority for <br />counties to raise additional revenues to meet school facility needs. <br />7. Adhere to the Board adopted Policy for Funding and Planning School <br />Construction. <br />8. In accordance with the County's School Construction Standards, collaborate <br />with both districts to value engineer projects. <br />9. Support both districts' initiatives to update older facilities. <br />(~ <br />