Orange County NC Website
Date of Execution: <br />-Name of Principal <br />(Contractor ) <br />Name of Surety: <br />rlsy 22, Zoos <br />carofina G-een Carp: <br />Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America <br />dame of Con#raCting orange County, Ndrth Earalir?a <br />Body: <br />Five hundred thirty thnusarid four hundred and sixty-three dollars.. <br />A,mourrt of Bonet: {$531);463 C14~ <br />Field Gor~structi"on .aid Irrigation Improvements <br />Fro}ect West 1"er~ ~cyccer Center <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, the principal and surety above <br />named, ale held and firmly bound unto the above .named contracting body, hereinafter <br />°ealled the contracting body, 'in the penal sure of fhe amount stated above for the payment <br />of which" sum well and truly tc be made; we bind ourselves,. our heirs, executors, <br />admini~tratars; and successors jointly and severally firmly by these presents. <br />. THE CONDITION QF' THiS OBLIGATION fS SUCH, that whereas the principal <br />entered :into a certain contract w°th the contracting body identified as shown above and <br />heretoi attached: <br />NCi'Vlf, THEREFORE, if' the .principal shall promptly ma'fce payment to all persons <br />supplying laborlrnater'ial in the prgsecution of the work provided for in said contract, and <br />any and alt duly authorized. rnoct~ficatians of said contract that. may' hereafter be made, <br />notice of which rrtodifications to tt~e surety being. hereby waived, then this obligation to be <br />void; otherwise to remain in full €or~ce:.and virtue. <br />IN. WITNESS V~/HEI~EQF, tlheobove-bounden parties have executed this instrument <br />under their several Seals on thre d~t~ indicated :above, the name and corporate seal cf each <br />corporate .party being .hereto- affixed and these presents duly signed by its. undersigned <br />representative, ,pursuant to authnriity of ~s governing body. <br />Executed in six (6y counterparts) <br />