Minutes - 19760520
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19760520
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43~ <br />Chairman Garrett reminded the Board that the Commissioner had voted <br />some time ago that they would go for a bond issue in November unless <br />other alternatives had been presented. <br />The County Manager was requested to schedule a meeting with the <br />School Boards to discuss capital outlay. <br />Chairman Garnett referred the Board to an Item from the May 18th <br />Agenda: Section 8 Housing - A. Approval of Annual Contributions Con- <br />tract with HUD. <br />(FOR COPY OF RESOI:UTI0N SEE MINUTE DOCKET BOOK NINE, PAGE ). <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Whiffed, it was moved an unanimously adopted to approve the annual <br />contributions contract with HUD. <br />The meeting was then a~jou~n~e~- <br />Fl~ora R. Garrett, Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk <br />MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />Monday, May 24, 1976 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in special session <br />on Monday, May 24, 1970, at 7:30 p.m., in the Commissioners Raom of <br />the Courthouse in Hillsborough. <br />Members present were Chairman Flora Garrett, Commissioners <br />Norman Gustaveson, Jan Pinney, and Richard Whitted. <br />Members absent was Norman Walker. <br />Others present were 5. M. Gattis, County Administrator, Neal <br />Evans, Fiscal Officer, and Agatha Johnson, Acting Clerk. <br />Chairman Garrett opened the meeting with the following remarks: <br />"I feel this is an appropriate time and plane to say that I love <br />Orange County and I have identified with its people, its historical <br />past and its future. During these three and half years, I have really <br />felt that when the people were in need with a dusty road, or a septic <br />tank problem, the Commissioners really cared and we identified with <br />these people and wanted to do something about it. I believe in:.local <br />government, in County government and that this is the government that is <br />close to the people, and the strength of our system of government lies <br />in the ability of local elected officials. To hear and respond to the <br />people here at home, dedicated men and women must be in these positions <br />of trust and responsibility. I want to say that I love my job, that it <br />has been personally rewarding and fulfilling, and I don_'t fell that <br />being a County Commissioner is either a liberal or conservative issue <br />because County issues are good gevernment issues and involves human <br />problems. I love my home and my family and I have been told that as <br />a County Commissioner T should do less but .in the next few years <br />the County Commissioners are going to do more. It's going to require <br />enormous time and vision for the challenges that lay ahead and I can't <br />give that time now. My husband and four children need someone who is not <br />at a meeting or on the telephone, someone who can go to soccer practice <br />with them or take them to piano lessons, go bird watching or just on <br />_ an outing. So, I am not going to run for re-election as County Commiss- <br />Toner, but I am proud of what the County has accomplished and the <br />direction we are taking and T see so much more that we need to do. We <br />have a solid financial footing and we have some tremendous programs <br />that we have accomplished, such as, Green Boxes, EMS Program, Recreation <br />Department, our Comprehensive Land Use Program is underway and many mare <br />that show a concern for the County's people. The citizens of the County <br />have been a part of all this and I am grateful for the dedication of so <br />many. I want to make it clear that I am not declining to serve again <br />because T am a woman, but because I am a mother. T think there are many <br />dedicated women who can and should serve in posi~.mons of trust and respon- <br />sibility. I hope, or T would like to think that if my husband were sitting <br />here today, that he would take the same choice because he is a parent of <br />four children who at this stage of their lives need parents. Being a <br />
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