Orange County NC Website
~~~ <br />Item XII - Regarding the A-95 Review report concerning the <br />development of the National Environmental Health Research Center in <br />the Research Triangle Park was deferred to a later meeting. <br />Item XTIT; The creation of a Committee to study Industrial <br />Development in Orange County was deferred to a later meeting. <br />The Board of Commissioners briefly discussed 'Item XTV - <br />Tentative Dates to work on the coming budget. The Board agreed to <br />. discuss this item in more detail on the May 20th meeting. The <br />Finance Office' was requested to provide the Board with narratives <br />of the different departments by the May 20th meeting. <br />The Board also agreed to finish the Agenda of this meeting, <br />May 18, 1970, at the May 24th meeting. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item XV - Budget Amendments <br />The Board referred to the attached budget amendments for the <br />printing of the Energy Task Force Report and for State Bicentennial <br />engraving of County names in cement. <br />(FOR COPY OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS, SEE MINUTE DOCKET BOOK NINE, PAGE <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Pinny, it was moved and unanimously adopted to approve the Budget <br />Amendments. <br />Mrs. Garrett referred to Item XVI: The County Attorney will pre- <br />sent a report concerning certain tax releases. This item will be dis- <br />cussed at the May 20th meeting. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item XVII: The County Manager recom- <br />mends the Soard of Commissioners approve a tax lien advertising cost <br />of $3.00 starting with 1976 tax. <br />(FOR COPY. OF MEMO, SEE MINUTE DOCKET BOOK N1NE, PP.GE ). <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Whitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and unanimously adopted' to approve the <br />change in the advertising cost to $3.00 per parcel, effective with <br />the 1976 tax liens. <br />Mrs. Garrett referred to Item XIX on the Agenda= A Resolution <br />to the Governor requesting a current member of the Orange County <br />Board of Commissioners be named to the Church Commission. <br />The Chairman informed the Board that she had talked with Laney <br />Funderberg of the Governor's staff regarding this matter. She had <br />been informed that by law each governing body should have a member <br />representing their unit of-:government on the Church Commission from <br />the local municipalities. <br />Mr. Walker inquired who was representing the County Board now <br />and it was stated that Bill Ray was the representative, however, this <br />representation was not from the current Board. <br />not <br />Mr. walker stated that he felt a change should/be made at this <br />time with only one meeting remaining. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that this was a crucial time and <br />.- that this Board needed a current member on the Church Commission to <br />represent them. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved that a request be sent to the <br />Governor requesting a current member of the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners be named to the Church Commission. <br />This motion was seconded by Commissioner Whitted. <br />Further discussion ensued. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson called for the question. <br />