<br />~~~ Cansulfin En ineers ~t ~ Merl scientists Memorandum
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<br />W(X~ORAI'ED Page 4 of 4
<br />conclusions of the earlier Olver reports - an in-county transfer station remains the least cost options
<br />for the County.
<br />TABLE 3A'
<br />Revised Comparison of Transfer Station OptionsZ
<br />..
<br />.. ..
<br />Miles to Landfill -1 way 103 (104) 38 (31) 109 (104) 43 (31) NA
<br />NA
<br />TS Site Acres/$ per Ac. 18.5/$0 18.5/$0 25/$15K 25/$15K NA NA
<br />Capital-$Million $4,093,000 $4,093,000 $4,771,000 $4,771,000 NA NA
<br />Facility Operations - First Yr.3 $816,500 $816,500 $887,200 $887,200 NA NA
<br />Haul to Landfill - First Yr. $930,800 $429,200 $952,600 $435,300
<br /> ($927,500) ($411,500) ($927,500) ($411,500) Included Included
<br />Landfill Tip Fee-First Yr. $1,221,000 $1,710,000 $1,221,000 $1,710,000 Included Included
<br />Off-Route Cost-First Yr. $467,200 $467,200 $674,900 $674,900 $1,080,100 $1,001,200
<br /> ($451,300) ($451,300) ($648,500) ($648,500) ($1,036,100) ($962,700)
<br />Additional Off-Route Cost-
<br />First Yra NA NA $207,600 $207,600 $612,900 $534,000
<br />Total Cost -First Yr. $/Ton $60 $60 ($59) $66 ($65) $65 ($64) $65 ($64) $63 ($62)
<br />20-Yr Net Present Value $53,205,000 $46,108,000 $57,883,000 $50,523,000 $66,633,000 $64,084,000
<br /> ($52,905,000) ($45,484,000) ($57,029,000) ($49,607,000) ($65,831,000) ($63,382,000)
<br />Break Even Points Yr 8 Yr 7 (6) Yr 12 (11) Yr 9 (8) NA NA
<br />Revised to incorporate additional residential collection routes in Chapel Hill and updated landfill mileage estimates per May 21, 2009
<br />requests. Mileage estimates maximize use of Interstate routes. Data previously reported are in parentheses.
<br />ZFor handling the equivalent amount of MSW reported by Couniy as landfilled at Eubanks Road Landfill in FY2008, escalated for
<br />growth.
<br />3lncludes full operating costs. i.e. land, engineering permitting, construction, equipment, labor, operations, etc.
<br />'Increase in the total off-route costs of hauling MSW from the end of routes to the respective transfer stations instead of to the Eubanks
<br />Road Landfill.
<br />SThe number of years it would take to recoup the costs of building the Couniy transfer station.
<br />RCS/det
<br />Attachments
<br />J~ IProjeetslOmnge Countyl101511TRANSFER SI77NG PROJECTIDOCSI2009_06-01-eagle Wilson - TSHauI Cost Analyses Revised -Chapel Hill.doc
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