Orange County NC Website
0 <br />'I'f~~ ~onsutfin En ineers u~ ~ Zied cScientists Memorandum <br />CJLVER ~r <br />LtT~ Page 3 of 4 <br /> TABLE 2A' <br />Revised Additional Average Annual Off-Route Costs to each Transfer Station Option2 <br /> •~- ~ <br />Town of Cha I Hill $113,000 $328,000 , $266,000 <br />Town of Carrboro $10,000 $84,000 $89,000 <br />Town of Hillsborou h $22,000 $21,000 $16,000 <br />Oran a COUn SWM De t. $63,000 $232,000 $212,000 <br />Other Haulers rivate inst. Etc. $42,000 $135,000 $118,000 <br />Total Off-Route Haulin $250,000 $800,000 $701,000 <br /> •.- ~ <br /> , <br />Town of Cha el Hill $141,000 $446,000 $364,000 <br />Town of Carrboro $12,000 $114,000 $121,000 <br />Town of Hillsborou h $27,000 $31,000 $24,000 <br />Oran a Coun SWM De t. $78,000 $322,000 $295,000 <br />Other Haulers rivate inst. Etc. $52,000 $185,000 $163,000 <br />Total Off-Route Haulin $310,000 $1,099,000 $968,000 <br />'Revised to incorporate additional residential collection routes in Chapel Hill per May 21, 2009 request. <br />zlncrease in costs of hauling MSW from the end of collection routes to the respectnre transfer stations instead of to Eubanks Road <br />Landfill <br />In addition to the Chapel Hill request at the work session, the BOCC requested that Olver again <br />review the assumptions for mileage and speed of truck travel in the analyses. Olver staff conducted <br />additional drive tests and confirmed that the mileage and speed data provided by the Towns and the <br />County used to estimate off-route hauling costs are in-fact accurate. No changes have been made to <br />the distance and speed assumptions between collection routes and transfer station options. Speed <br />and distance assumptions from the proposed County transfer station locations to the out of county <br />landfills were also revaluated. In order to standardize the long haul routing approach Olver has <br />selected Interstate routes even if there are shorter routes to the destination landfill. This approach <br />has resulted in changes to mileage assumptions and cost estimates for long-hauling MSW that have <br />had more impact on routing to Wake County Landfill than to Sampson County Landfill. <br />Table 3A presents the data that incorporates the new mileage assumptions. The costs to haul MSW <br />to the Sampson County Landfill from the Eubanks Reference facility and the Highway 54 site were <br />virtually unchanged and increased 2.7% respectively. Hauling to the Wake County Landfill from <br />the Eubanks Reference facility and from the Highway 54 site increased 4.3% and 5.8% respectively. <br />Table 3A also presents revised data as a result of the additional residential collection routes <br />requested by Chapel Hill. However, these revisions do not impact the overall findings or the <br />Z~ IProjectslOmnge Covnty1101 SlITRANSFER STUNG PROJEC7IDOCSI2009_06-02 -Gayle Rr/son - TSHav/Cost Analyses Revised - Chape/ Hi[Ldoc <br />cSarvujy'ifirgetrisend Au Grdimaat far anu 3(1 Ilt~ <br />$724 Red Oak Beelerard, Suite 545 eaa.~ {744) 524--3.127 <br />t'karbtte,NC 28217 e~ (744j 527-322$ <br />www.alraces <br />