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3 <br />assumptions regarding the number of collection routes and decided to increase the assumption <br />from 14 to 16 routes, resulting in slight increases in estimated Town off-route hauling costs. <br />Suggested Next Steps <br />County Management and Solid Waste strongly suggest the BOCC move quickly to request the <br />Town Council consider making an official offer of the Millhouse Road site to the County for <br />continued evaluation by staff and consultants as an alternate location for the Solid Waste <br />Transfer Station. A draft letter from the Chair to the Mayor is included as Attachment D. <br />The Town Council holds its last regular business meeting before the summer break on June 22 <br />and returns on September 14. It may not be practicable for the Town to address this important <br />topic definitively before they break, but it is advised that the County make clear its interest and <br />intention. <br />Pending confirmation from the Town, Staff and consultants would use the summer months to <br />further its technical investigation and convene an informational and feedback session in the <br />impacted community. The informational meeting in the community would follow the same format <br />as those previously facilitated by Olver, Inc. <br />Further results and findings pertaining to Site 744, Millhouse Road, would be brought back to <br />the BOCC at its meeting on August 18. If, after the August meeting the BOCC chooses to move <br />forward more intensely with Site 744, the BOCC should consider conducting a formal public <br />listening session regarding the site as was done for the Hwy 54 sites. Staff is also preparing to <br />bring back to the BOCC on August 18 the results of a continued environmental assessment <br />associated with Site 056 on Hwy 54. <br />Absent official confirmation from the Town during the summer, County staff and Olver, Inc. <br />would not invest additional effort or resources into further investigation of the Millhouse Road <br />possibility. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The financial impact of evaluating the Millhouse Road site has been <br />incorporated into the original agreement with Olver Inc. for the transfer station site search. <br />Adequate funds have been budgeted in the enterprise fund landfill budget for this activity. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board <br />1) Receive the preliminary information provided by staff and Olver, Inc. regarding the <br />technical suitability of Town of Chapel Hill owned Millhouse Road site for the Solid Waste <br />Transfer Station <br />2) Authorize the Chair to sign the attached draft letter to the Mayor requesting Town Council <br />consideration of officially offering the Millhouse road site to the County for formal <br />consideration by the BOCC as an alternative location for the Solid Waste Transfer <br />Station. <br />3) Pending confirmation of an official offer of the site by the Town of Chapel Hill, direct <br />Olver, Inc., in conjunction with County staff, to convene and conduct an informational and <br />feedback session for the community impacted by the Millhouse Road site proposal during <br />the summer break, and return with those findings at the meeting on August 18, 2009. <br />