Orange County NC Website
~}-H~a~h men-t- ~ <br />~~- <br />DRAFT LETTER FROM BOCC CHAIR, VALERIE FOUSHEE TO <br />CHAPEL HILL MAYOR, KEVIN FOY <br />June 17, 2009 <br />RE: Town Suggestion of Millhouse Road Site for Possible Transfer Station Location <br />Dear Mayor Foy, <br />I want to thank you again for the interest and involvement demonstrated by the Town <br />leadership in.helping address the siting of the Solid Waste Transfer Station in Orange <br />County. <br />At the BOCC meeting on June 16, we received a preliminary evaluation of the Town- <br />suggested site on Millhouse Road from our staff and consultant, Olver, Inc. Their initial <br />findings were sufficiently strong to support our making this formal request of the Town <br />to have this site, identified as Site 744, officially offered by the Town for our formal <br />consideration. A complete copy of the report from Olver, Inc. is attached for your review <br />and reference. <br />Our immediate request in no way assumes or assures this site will be the site ultimately <br />selected by the BOCC for the transfer station. Nor do we believe the Town, in making an <br />official offer of the site to the County, obligates itself to any particular terms or <br />conditions of transfer and/or acquisition of the site to the County for the purpose of the <br />transfer station. Final site selection rests with the County and should Site 744 be <br />officially offered and subsequently chosen by the BOCC, a mutually beneficial <br />agreement would be negotiated between the Town and County. <br />Our interest and intent at this time are to verify the official status of the Town suggestion <br />of Site 744 so our staff and consultant can do more technical investigation and hold an <br />information/education session for the impacted community during the summer break. <br />With Town confirmation, staff and consultant would prepare to return on August 18tH <br />with additional findings to support our decision making. Staff will be providing follow up <br />on the on-~oing environmental assessment of Site 056 on Hwy 54 at the meeting on <br />August 18t as well. Absent clear confirmation from the Town on the certainty of site <br />availability, the BOCC is reluctant to invest additional staff and consultant energy and <br />effort into the examination of Site 744 on Millhouse Road. <br />We trust you understand and share the need to maintain momentum during the summer <br />months, and we look forward to hearing your response. Again, we greatly appreciate the <br />opportunity to work closely with Town partners in taking the critical next step in siting <br />the infrastructure for the solid waste needs of the County. <br />Sincerely yours, <br />Valerie Foushee, <br />Chair <br />