Orange County NC Website
to <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Roger Stancil, Town Manager <br />FROM: Lance Norris, Public Works Director <br />SUBJECT: Clarification on Differing Transfer Station Cost Analyses <br />DATE: May 15, 2009 <br />On May 6, 2008, I provided you a memorandum regarding Orange County's transfer <br />station siting process. Specifically the memorandum detailed the anticipated financial <br />impacts to the Town's Solid Waste Services Division for upgrading collection equipment <br />and increased ongoing operations costs associated with hauling Town refuse to a transfer <br />station in Durham that was under consideration at that time. <br />Subsequent to that financial impact analysis, the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />undertook a search for additional transfer station sites. On February 12, 2009, Orange <br />County Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson requested assistance from the Town in <br />developing an updated financial analysis associated with these additional siting options. <br />Beginning in March 2009, Town Solid Waste Superintendent Harv Howard worked with <br />Olver Inc., Orange County's siting consultants, to develop this updated analysis. <br />This updated analysis reflects a number of changes that have occurred since the original <br />analysis described in the May 6, 2008 memorandum was submitted. Most notably are the <br />costs attributed to equipment upgrades as the Town's has recently acquired 3 of the 5 <br />dual rear axle vehicles needed by the Town to utilize a remote site. Accordingly, the <br />anticipated net impact to the Town is less in the current analysis than previously <br />estimated. The difference in equipment costs impacts between the two financial analyses <br />also reflects different cost modeling methods, with the May 6, 2008 analysis based on <br />total one-time costs for new equipment versus the updated analysis which amortized <br />costs. <br />Changes in the updated analysis also reflect slight increases in anticipated personnel <br />costs, adjustments related to changing fuel cost estimates and modest reductions in <br />ongoing fleet maintenance costs due to the acquisition of new equipment. We recognize <br />that this is a point in time analysis of the Town's Solid Waste Services Division's costs <br />associated with possible transfer station locations and may change depending on actual <br />fuel costs and the final transfer station location selected. <br />