Orange County NC Website
3~~ <br />Change the revenues and fund balances estimated to be available to meet the <br />foregoing appropriations in the funds indicated: <br /> <br />FU~fJ - RE50URCE INCREASE <br />(DECREASE? <br />'TO'TOT/1L <br />General: <br />Recreation Grant 10,000 10,000 <br />Recreation Fees 4,000 4,000 <br />School Current Expense: <br />From General Fund 226,000 2,334,i0D <br />Fund Balance 8,176 149,028 <br />Special Fire Districts; <br />' Chapel Hill Fire-Current Tax $00 2,750 <br />Chapel Hill Fire-Delinquent Tax Z00 7.50 <br />South Orange Fire-Current Tax 3,000 ?_3,p00 <br />South Orange Fire-Delinquent lax <br />...: ~.; 1 000 <br />s 1,400 <br />~_..__ Service Districts: <br />Oaks- Current Tax 3,800 1D,800 <br />Oaks- Delinquent Tax 4,700 4,900 <br />Adopted this the 5th day of __ April ,_,_._._, T976. <br />