Orange County NC Website
<br />NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br />A joint public hearing will be held at the Central Orange Senior Center, 103 <br />Meadowlands Drive, Hillsborough, North Carolina, on Monday, August 24, 2009, at <br />7:00 PM for the purpose of giving all interested citizens an opportunity to speak for <br />or against the following items: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS <br />Zoning Ordinance Amendment: Review of proposed amendment(s) to Article <br />Six (6) Application of Dimensional Requirements Section 6.31 Outdoor <br />Lighting Standards of the Orange County Ordinance revising existing <br />regulations governing the review, approval, and use of outdoor lighting <br />fixtures for residential and non-residential land uses. <br />Staff will propose a comprehensive retooling of the current regulations <br />completing the following tasks: <br />a. Distinguish the installation and use of outdoor lighting fixtures within <br />urbanizing and rural areas of the County, <br />b. Modifying existing site plan submittal requirements for lighting plans <br />to require additional information on the impact of outdoor lighting on <br />adjacent property owners, <br />c. Including an amortization policy requiring non-conforming lights to <br />be brought into compliance with lighting standards, and <br />d. Revise existing regulations governing the erection of lights for <br />sports fields and/or outdoor performance areas. <br />Pur ose: To receive citizen comment on the proposed amendments. <br />2. Acceptance of the Strategic Growth and Resource Conservation (SGRC) Plan. <br />The SGRC is a proposed program whereby development rights in specific areas <br />of the county could be transferred to other specific areas of the county in order to <br />preserve and protect sensitive areas and uses while allowing development and <br />greater density in areas of the county better suited to accommodate it. The first <br />two phases of the SGRC program (research and feasibility) were previously <br />completed and were accepted in June 2006. The final third phase (specific <br />program and administrative design) is the subject of this hearing. <br />Purpose: To receive citizen comment on the proposed SGRC Plan. <br />Implementation of the SGRC concept would occur through future public meetings <br />and processes. <br />