Orange County NC Website
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6 <br />RENTAL CONTRACT <br />RESIDENTIAL <br />RESIDENT: ("Tenant") <br />OWNER: Orange County, North Caroliaa, a body politic and corporate, a political subdivision of the State of <br />North Carolina ("Landlord"} <br />PREMISES: City: County: Orange State of North Carolina <br />[J Street Address: <br />0 Apartment Complex: Apartment No. <br />O Other Description (Room, portion of above address, etc.): <br />INITIAL TERM: Beginning Date of Lease: Ending Date of Lease: <br />RENT': $ PAYMENT PERIOD: 0 monthly 0 weekly p yearly 17 other. <br />LATE PA~'MENT FEE: $ OR % of rental payment, whichever is greater (State law <br />provides that the late fee may not exceed $15.00 or five percent (S%) of the rental payment, whichever is greater.} <br />SECURITY DEPOSIT: $ to be deposited with Landlord <br />LOCATION OF DEPOSIT: (insert name of bank): <br />BANK ADDRESS: <br />RETURNED CHECK FEE: $ (The maximum processing fee allowed under State law is <br />$25.00.) <br />SUMMARY EJECTMENT ADMII~iISTRATIVE FEE (see paragraph 16}: $ <br />PETS: Q PETS NOT ALLOWED O PETS ALLOWED NOZ;IREFUNDABLE PET FEE (if pets allowed): <br />TYPE OF PET PERMITTED (if pets allowed): <br />PER:IvIl"ITE:D OCCUPANTS (in addition to Tenant): <br />IN CONSIDERATION of the promises contained in this Agreement, Landlord hereby agrees to lease the <br />Premises to Tenant on the following terms and conditions: <br />1. Terrrtination and Renewal: EITHER LANDLORD OR TENANT .MAY TERMINATE THE <br />TENANCY AT THE EXPIRATION OF THE INITIAL TERM BY GIVING WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE <br />OTHER AT LEAST DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE OF THE INITIAL TERM. IN <br />THE EVENT SUCH WRITTEN NOTICE IS NOT GIVEN OR IF THE TENANT HOLDS OVER BEYOND THE <br />INITIAL TERM, THE TENANCY SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME A {PERIOD} TO <br />(PERIOD) TENANCY UPON THE SAME TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED HEREIN AND MAY <br />TT-~EREAFI~R BE TERMINATED BY EITHER LANDLORD OR TENANT GIVING THE OTHER <br />DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE PRIOR TO THE LAST DAY OF THE THEN CURRENT 'PERIOD OF THE <br />TENANCY. <br />2. Rent: Tenant shall pay the Rent, without notice, demand or deduction, to Landlord or as Landlord <br />directs. The first Rent gayment, which shall be prorated if the Initial Term commences on a day other than the first . <br />.... ...:..... ..... of the Payment.~erictd,, shall be due on ,date). Thereafter, all rentals shall , <br />be paid in advance on or before the FIItST day of each subsequent Payrr}ent Period for the duration of the tenancy. ~~~~ <br />3. Late Payment Fees and Returned Check Fees: Tenant shall pay the Late Payment Fee if any rental <br />payment is not received by midnight on the fifth (5"') day after it is due. This late payment fee shall be due <br />immediately without demand therefore and shall be added to and paid with the late rental payment. Tenant also <br />agrees to pay the Returned Check Fee for each check of Tenant that is returned by the financial institution because <br />of insufficient funds or because the Tenant did not have an account at the financial institution. <br />Page 1 of 6 <br />Tenant Initials <br />