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11 <br />23. Eminenk~omain and Casualties: The Landlord shall have the option to terminate this lease i£:#he <br />Premises, or any part thereof, are condemned or sold in Lieu of conderrination or damaged by fre or other casualty. <br />24. Assignment: The Tenant shall not assign this lease or sublet the Premises in whole or part. <br />25. Waiver: No waiver of any breach of any obligation or promise contained herein shall be regarded as a <br />waiver of any future breach of the same or any other obligation or promise. <br />26. Other Terms and Conditions: <br />(a) O (Check if applicable) The Premises were built prior to 1978. (Attach Standard Form # 430 - T, <br />"Discloscue of Information on Lead-Based Paint and Lead-Based paint Hazards.") <br />(b) The following additional terms and conditions shall also be a part of this Lease: <br />(c) Itemise all addenda to this Cotttract and attach hereto: <br />27. Inspection of Premises: Within days of occupying the Premises, Tenant has the right to <br />inspect the Premises and complete aMove-in Inspection Form. <br />28. Notice: Any notices required or authorized to be given hereunder or pursuant to applicable law shall <br />be mailed or hand delivered to the following addresses: <br />Tenant: the address of the Premises <br />Landlord: the address to which rental payments are sent. <br />29. Execution; Counterparts: When Tenant signs this lease, he acknowledges he has read and agrees to <br />the provisions of this lease. This lease is executed in (number) counteFparts with an executed counterpart <br />being retained by each party. <br />30. '.Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and here are no <br />representations, inducements or other provisions other than those expressed in writing. All changes, additions or <br />deletions hereto must be in writing and sigaed by all parties. <br />TENANT: <br />(SEAL) <br />(S~-) <br />Date: <br />F:\I.isa\orangceounfy\RF.SIAENTIAL RENTAL CON7'RACT.doc <br />LANDLORD: <br />(SEAL) <br />(SEAL} <br />By: ,AGENT <br />(SEAL} <br />Date: <br />Page 6 of 6 <br />Tenant Initials <br />