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10 <br />or about the Premises, moving expenses, storage expenses, alternative interim housing expenses, and expenses of <br />locating and procuring alternative housing. <br />l8. Removal, Storage and Disposition of Tenant's Personal Property: - <br />(a) Ten days after being placed in lawful possession by execution of a writ of possession, the Landlord <br />may throw away, dispose of, or sell ail items of personal property rema+n+ng on the Premises. During the IO-day - <br />period after being placed in lawful possession by execution of a writ of possession, the Landlord may move for <br />- storage purposes, but shall not throw away, dispose o~ oY sell any items of personal property remaining on the <br />-Premises unless otherwise provided for in Chapter 42 • of the North Carolina General Statutes. Upon the Tenant's <br />request prior to the expiration of the 10-day period, the Landlord shall release possession of the property to the <br />Tenant during regular business hours or at a time agreed upon. If the Landlord elects to sell the property at public or <br />private sale, the Landlord shall give written notice to the Tenant by first-class mail to •the Tenant's last known <br />address at least seven days prior to the day of the sale. The seven-day notice of sale may run concurrently with the <br />10-day period which allows the Tenant to request possession of the property. The written notice shall state the date, <br />time, and place of the sale, and that any surplus of proceeds from the sale, after payment of unpaid rents, damages, <br />storage fees, and sale costs, shall be disbursed to the Tenant, upon request, within 10 days after the sale,. and will <br />thereafter be delivered to the government of the county in which the rental property is located. Upon the Tenant's <br />request prior to the date of sale, the Landlord shall release possession of the property to the Tenant during regular <br />business hours or at a time agreed upon. The Landlord may apply the proceeds of the sale to the unpaid rents, <br />damages, storage fees, and sale costs. Any surplus from the sale shall be disbursed to the Tenant, upon request, <br />within 10 .days of the sale and shall thereafter be delivered to the government of the county in which the rental <br />property is located. <br />(b) If the total value of all property remaining on the Premises at the time of execution of a writ of <br />possession in an action for summary ejectment is less than one hundred dollars ($100.00), then the property shall be <br />deemed abandoned five days after the time of execution, and the Landlord may throw -away or dispose of the <br />property. Upon the Tenant's request prior .to the expixation of the five-day period, the Landlord shall release <br />possession of the property to the Tenant during regular business hours or at a time agreed upon. <br />19. Bankruptcy: • If any banlmxptcy or insolvency proceedings are filed by or against the Tenant or if the <br />Tenant makes any assignment far the benefit of creditors, the Landlord may, at his option, immediately terminate <br />this Tenancy, and reenter and repossess the Premises, subject to the provisions of the Banlavptcy Code (11 USC <br />Section 10I, et. seq.) and• the order of any court having jurisdiction thereunder. <br />20. Tenant's Insurance; Release and Indemnity Provisions: The Tenant shall be solely responsible for <br />insuring any of his personal property located or stored upon the Premises upon the risks of damage, destruction, or <br />loss resulting from theft, fire, storm and all other hazards and casualties. Regardless of whether the Tenant secures <br />- such insurance, the Landlord and his agents shall not be liable for any damage to, or destruction or toss of, any of the <br />Tenant's personal property located or stored upon the Premises regardless of the cause or causes of such damage, <br />destruction, or loss, unless such loss or destruction is attributable to. the intentional acts or willful qr wanton <br />negligence of the Landlord. The Tenant agrees to release and indemnify the Landlord and his agents from and <br />against liability far injury to the person of the Tenant or to any membeFS of his household resulting from any cause <br />whatsoever except only such personal injury .caused by the negligent, or intentional acts of the Landlord or his <br />agents. <br />2I. Form: The Landlord and Tenant hereby acknowledge that their agreement is evidenced by this form <br />contract which may contain some minor inaccuracies when applied to the particular factual setting of the parties. <br />The Landlord and Tenant agree that the courts shall liberally and broadly interpret this lease, ignoring minor <br />inconsistencies and inaccuracies, and that the courts shall apply the Lease to determine all disputes between the <br />parties in the manner which most effectuates their intent as expressed herein. The following rules of construction <br />shall apply. (1) handwritten and typed additions or alterations shall control over the preprinted language when there <br />is an inconsistency between them; (2) the lease shall not be strictly, construed against either the Landlord or the <br />Tenant; (3) paragraph headings are used only for convenience of reference and shaII not be considered as a - <br />substantive part of this lease; (4) words in the singular shall include the plural and the masculine shall include the <br />feminine and neuter genders, as appropriate; and (5) the. invalidity of one or more provisions of this lease shall not <br />affect the -validity of any other provisions hereof and this Tease shall be construed and enforced as if such invalid ~' <br />provision(s) were not included. <br />22. Amendment of Laws: In the event Shat subsequent to the execution of this Lease any state statute <br />regulating or affecting any duty or obligation imposed upon the Landlord pursuant to this lease is enacted, amended, <br />or repealed, the Landlord may, at his option, elect to perform in accordance with such statute, amendment, or act of <br />r•epesl•in Lieu of complying with the analogous provision of this lease. <br />Page S. of 6 <br />Tenant Initials <br />