Agenda - 06-16-2009 - 4g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-16-2009
Agenda - 06-16-2009 - 4g
Entry Properties
Last modified
8/3/2009 11:36:54 AM
Creation date
6/12/2009 12:29:54 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090616
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
RES-2009-050 Application for Property Tax Exemption/Exclusion
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2009
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10/24/2008 12:43 9196820444 SENIOR PHARMASSIST PAGE 20 <br /> <br />dialogue, and teamwork. The "Studio" is also used to carry out Stone Circles' core <br />programming activities and provides an additional space for training and meditation. <br />Additionally, there are six "Cabins" on the property. Three of these cabins are used to <br />house the primary staff members of Stone Circles. The remaining three cabins are used <br />to provide sleeping spaces for Stone Circles' program and retreat participants. The two <br />"Hetxnifages" provide additional sEace for rtrcdrtatiozr; particularly- for thoso- retread <br />participants that seek a more solitary. and secluded environment. The final three <br />buildings on the property labeled as "~orkshops'T are used for storage, general <br />tnaintenance, an~.upkgep of the Stone House property and facilities. <br />In addition to the buildings described above, the remaining Card on the Stone <br />House property isalso-used=to-fact-litate Stone Circles' rettcats; workshops, and traini-rrg- <br />programs. As mentioned above, Stone Circles' core programming activities are <br />fundamentally based-orrm~editativrr arzd- cozttempladvc practice:- The-land-comprisingtl~. <br />Stone House property. not only ensures the seclusion, peace, and tranquility necessary for <br />meditation which is practicod within the buildings, .but tt aCso allows for outdoor <br />meditation. In other..~rords, meditation and. contemplative <br />practice, two activities which make up the foundatiozt of Stone Circles' retr-eat programs. <br />The land is also usecl~far athcr outdoor retreat activities, ineluding~larg~ group workshops <br />and training programs. Additionally, the land is used for sustainable agriculture and <br />farming, activities-wltiefr-arc-itncgrated=v~itiiirrtlie-StenrCiteles-pragFazzrs. The retrea+ <br />progams emphasize living in harmony with the land and each other, core values which <br />can be learned a~=FefleeEe~tl~aug~s~ssileagriettl€~e-practise., <br />TII. Coacluslpo <br />Based orr the-activities-dzseri~bed-abm-~ an>fas-indicstecl-itr Quest{ons 6 and 7 on <br />the Application for Property Tax Exemption, Stone Circles' claim for exemption is based <br />on section 105 ~-'7~~ of ~tT~- ".~-z:~r Earali~~ al-=Stat#ttes. 'F1~ wer~sltQps, retreats, <br />and training program activities should be considered "educational," as defu-ed under <br />subsection 105=~7-~7{~-fr As desert-bed-- abav~ tlie--Stone- Cireies programs involve <br />training activists and leaders on methods and strategies of sustainable activism, <br />spirituality, and seeia~eliat~gr Tl~pragrarrrparEieipaCtt~ar-e-a~lso-tfaiited tt3 develop skills <br />in community building and organizational development. As such, these activities involve <br />the "transmissiotro€"iif€dtorr-an~tht-training-or-de~relbpment-of the- kzxawledge or <br />skills of individual persons" and should therefore be considered "educational." N.C. <br />4'ie{r; Slat:- §- I-EI-S=~~=?{f~~)=~ <br />Furthermore; t-he--activities earri~=eui- on-ttse-Stone-House- Property should be <br />considered "charitable" within the meaning of section 105-278.7(f)(4) because these <br />programs-have-"hun~ratte-arrd-piiilanfliropie-obj-cctives" I~F:C: heir.. Staf §-kE}5-278.7(f}(4) <br />(2007). Specifically, all of the activists and leaders who participate in the Stone Circles <br />programs are imFa#ved= yr vrg~- eemmuni-fies- that address-suffering and <br />injustice in our world. The skills developed through Stone Circles' programs thus not <br />only serve- the- ~a~ pmgrarrr ~, but- also- the- organizations and <br />communities whom these participants in turn serve. As such, the activities being carried ' <br />Stone Circles Propert;t Ta]c E]CEr7lption, pg.. 3 <br />
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