Agenda - 06-16-2009 - 4g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-16-2009
Agenda - 06-16-2009 - 4g
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Last modified
8/3/2009 11:36:54 AM
Creation date
6/12/2009 12:29:54 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090616
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
RES-2009-050 Application for Property Tax Exemption/Exclusion
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2009
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10/24/2006 12:43 9196820444 SENIOR PHARMASSIST PAGE 19 <br />S <br />nonprofit organizations, and national coalitions that are interested in the intersection of <br />spiritual practice and social change. Ultimately, Stone Circles works to create a world in <br />which activists and leaders achieve greater victory in their quest for justice, where <br />organizations have the tools and the will to integrate reflection into their organizational <br />forms and strategies, and where people cats connect with-each.ather.through-communities <br />of learning and practice that allow for greater sustainability, happiness, anzi e~ctiveness. <br />In carrying out its mission and .striving toward-the-gva-ls-deseribed-abav~ Sfette- <br />Circles has organized retreats, workshops, and training programs for social change <br />activists and organizations. Stone Circles works with activists and organizations orr <br />issues such as comrAUnity•building, youth development, education. and health services, <br />spirituality, and social change. In its various workshops, Stone Circles helps <br />organizations_ strncF~e ~ a~ reflection-based organizational culture and -assists activists •itil <br />increasing sustainability by exploring the inner workings of their leadership. Similarly, <br />Stono Circles faEi#t2Etgs=r~eat~tliat f~us-.ori-.sustainable-~r++w*~~* and_th~i~ wotk_of <br />leadership. These retreats. include time for spiritual practice and quiet reflection, along <br />with dialogue and strategic colta5oration. finally, Storre~Eircles-has-dovebped-a training . <br />curriculum designed to- strengthen the spiritual path and facilitation skills of individual <br />leaders and activists. These training programs provide the tool-s, support, anfi strategies <br />necessary to impart sacral ch~ge-organizations-and eocnrr}unities<, <br />Recognizing that movements for social justice thrive in places of sustenance, <br />spiritual renewal, and- contempt-ativ~ ratrear Sturm Circles-purchased stvct-ty acres of <br />pzoperty located at 6602 Nicks Road in Mebane, North Carolina. This property, which is <br />the subject of this exemption application, was purchased~y Stone t ircles on August 28, <br />2007 from the Hunlan~ICindness.Foundation,.and.has.bcen.named."The Stone House: A <br />Center for Spiritual Life and Strategic Action" (hereina8er the "Stone House property"). <br />The next section-belew-vv~l~ dessri~e t-h~ spas-i-f-~ acti-allies- eu~entk~.tsein8-conducted on <br />the property. <br />II. Activities <br />The Stone )=Iouse- prap~*- i~ currrntl~ bziztg- used- ta- faerli~atC the retreats, <br />workshops, and training programs for social change activists and organization leaders <br />which Stone Circles has developed tCs fieseritied- above, these programs focus on <br />spirituality, sustainable activism, .social- change, .and the inner work of leadership. The <br />property is used to carry on these "core programming activities." The property provides <br />the neeessar)~spasg and--farri-t-hies-f~r• Siorr~Circles'. pnc~aa~it~tenm~cr£.hoth buildings <br />and land. <br />First, as to improvements, the property consists of several buildings which are <br />listed in Questiorr 2__ om rite- lkpgticati-otr- for-- Property-- Tyr- lzion. The majar <br />structures are the "Main House," "Meditation Hall," and "Outdoor Pavilion," each of <br />which provide the Large space necessary far graaR ~ retreats, and training <br />programs. The foundation of these programming activities involves rthe practice of <br />mindfulness-meditation and~ontemplative pracdre,-along.wiifi-periods of collaboration, <br />Stone Circles Property Tex Exemption, pg. 2 <br />
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