2008-025 Finance - McGladrey & Pullen
Board of County Commissioners
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2008-025 Finance - McGladrey & Pullen
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4/27/2011 9:55:58 AM
Creation date
6/11/2009 12:52:44 PM
Meeting Type
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Agenda - 05-03-2007-4c
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Orange County, North Carolina <br />April 23, 2007 <br />• Page 3 <br />received in communications from employees, regulators, or others, (7) making all financial records and related <br />information available to us, (8) for adjusting the financial statements to correct material misstatements, (9) following <br />up and taking corrective action on audit findings, including the preparation of a summary schedule of prior audit <br />findings, and a corrective action plan (if any), and (10) report distribution including submitting the reporting package. <br />At the conclusion of our audit, we will request certain written representations from management about the financial <br />statements and matters related thereto. We will also require that management affirm to us that the effects of any <br />uncorrected misstatements aggregated by us during the current engagement and pertaining to the latest period <br />presented are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole. <br />The Board is responsible for informing us of its views about the risks of fraud within the entity, and its knowledge of <br />any fraud or suspected fraud affecting the entity. We will also determine that certain matters related to the conduct of <br />the audit are communicated to the Board, including (1) fraud involving senior management and fraud (whether <br />caused by senior management or other employees) that causes a material misstatement of the financial statements, <br />(2) illegal acts that come to our attention (unless they are clearly inconsequential), (3) disagreements with <br />management and other serious difficulties encountered in performing the audit, and (4) various matters related to the <br />entity's accounting policies and financial statements. <br />You have informed us that you intend to prepare a comprehensive annual financial report ("CAFRA) and submit it for <br />evaluation by the Govemment Finance Officers Association's Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial <br />Reporting. Our participation in the preparation of the CAFR is to consist of having the financial statement report <br />reviewed by a person who is also a reviewer for the GFOA Certificate Program and have him involved in the <br />resolution of any accounting or reporting questions that arise during the engagement. <br />• The working papers for this engagement are the property of McGladrey & Pullen, LLP. However, you acknowledge <br />and grant your assent that representatives of the cognizant or oversight agency or their designee, other government <br />audit staffs and the U.S. Govemment Accountability Office shall have access to the audit working papers upon their <br />request; and that we shall maintain the working papers for a period of at least five years after the date of the report, <br />or for a longer period if we are requested to do so by the cognizant or oversight agency. Access to requested <br />workpapers will be provided under the supervision of McGladrey & Pullen, LLP audit personnel and at a location <br />designated by our Firm. <br />We will provide basic accounting assistance limited to preparing draft financial statements that are based on <br />management's chart of accounts and trial balance and any adjusting, correcting and closing entries that have been <br />approved by management, and preparing draft notes to the financial statements based on information determined <br />and approved by management. <br />We will assist in drafting the County's financial statements and the separate financial statements for the SportsPlex <br />Enterprise Fund, propose adjustments to the trial balance and preparation of schedules of properly tax receivables <br />for the Towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Hillsborough, all of which are reviewed and approved by management. <br />The draft and the adjustments are the responsibility of management. <br />The two overarching principles of the independence standards of the GovemmenfAuditing Standards issued by the <br />Comptroller General of the United States provide that management is responsible for the substantive outcomes of <br />the work, and therefore, has a responsibility and is able to make any informed judgment on the results of the services <br />described above. Accordingly, the County agrees to the following: <br />7. Mr. Ken T. Chavious, Finance Director, will be accountable and responsible for overseeing the draft of the <br />. County's financial statements and the draft separate financial statements for the SportsPlex Enterprise Fund, <br />propose adjustments to the trial balance and preparation of schedules of property tax receivables for the <br />Towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Hillsborough. <br />
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