Orange County NC Website
a. North Carolina Community Transportation Program (CTP) Administrative <br /> and Capital Grant Application FY 2009/2010 <br /> The Board conducted a public hearing on the North Carolina Community Transportation <br /> Program grant application by Orange Public Transportation for FY 2009-2010 and considered <br /> approving the grant application, adopting the resolution authorizing the County to enter into an <br /> agreement with North Carolina Department of Transportation, and authorizing the County <br /> Attorney to complete the necessary certifications and assurances and authorizing the Chair to <br /> sign. <br /> Department on Aging Director Jerry Passmore said that NCDOT Public Transportation <br /> Division for several years has provided funds to Orange County for the Community <br /> Transportation Program, which is Orange Public Transportation. As part of the process of <br /> applying, the County has to have a public hearing. He gave some statistics about the program. <br /> This year, he is requesting $369,420. Approximately half of that is for administrative services <br /> funding and the other half is for two new replacement vehicles that will be diesel-fueled. The <br /> match is 10% for the capital and 15% for the administration. The Board is being asked to close <br /> the public hearing and approve the resolution submitting the application. <br /> No public comment. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to close the public hearing and approve the Community Transportation Program Grant <br /> application for FY 2009-2010 in the total amount of $369,420 with a local match of $46,173; <br /> and authorize the Chair to sign the Community Transportation Program Resolutions, which are <br /> incorporated by reference, and annual certified statements of participation. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Zoning Atlas Amendment (Rezoning) —4115 Old NC 10 (Jones) <br /> The Board received the Planning Board recommendation on and considered approval <br /> of a petition submitted to rezone a 2.8 acre parcel of property located at 4115 Old NC 10 <br /> (TMBL5.26.40 / PIN 9893-00-8606) from Existing Commercial Five (EC-5) to Rural Residential <br /> One (R-1). <br /> Planner Michael Harvey said that this is a continuation of a public hearing for this <br /> property. This item was presented at the November 24, 2008 Quarterly Public Hearing, where <br /> staff testified that there was an existing auto body garage on the property. In 1981, when the <br /> Comprehensive Plan was adopted, the zoning of this property was changed to EC-5 in an <br /> effort to bring it into compliance with the standards and requirements of the Comprehensive <br /> Plan. Since that time, the existing auto body shop has ceased. The current property owners <br /> were unaware that it was zoned commercial and do not want it zoned commercial. The <br /> Planning Board has reviewed this and recommended unanimously that the property be <br /> rezoned. He read the Administration recommendation. <br /> No public comment. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs <br /> to close the public hearing and approve the zoning atlas petition by: approving the Statement <br /> of Consistency (Attachment 2); and approving the Resolution of Rezoning Approval <br /> (Attachment 3). <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment: Hillsborough Area Economic <br /> Development District (EDD) Buffer Regulations <br />