Orange County NC Website
~"~~ <br />Discussion ensued concerning the cemetery and the legal responsibility <br />of the County under the General Statutes which requires that the cemetery <br />be so designated on the plat. <br />Mr. B. M. Sessoms, Attorney for the Banes, spoke to the issue of <br />the cemetery. <br />Commissioner Whitted moved that the rezoning request of the Banes <br />to rezone 25.5 acres from 1esidential to Mobile Home Park be granted. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson seconded the motion. <br />Discussion ensued. Chairman Garrett stated that she would like <br />the Planning Staff to work with the County of Durham in designating <br />from University Station Road on the right side of xighway #70 and <br />Pleasant Green Rvad on the left side of Highway #70, back to Durham, <br />to talk with them and designate this as a transition area. She stated <br />that a comprehensive plan was needed to speak to the issue. <br />The Chairman called for the vote. Voting aye were Commissioners <br />Garrett, Gustaveson, Whitted and Walker. <br />Voting nay was Commissioner Pinney. The motion was declared passed. <br />C. A request from Jessie Council to rezone one (1) acre in Chapel <br />Hill Township from Residential to General Commercial. Mr. Council <br />request that this portion (208 ft X 208 ft) be rezoned for purposes <br />of placing a automobile repair garage. on the lot. Mr. Edwards <br />stated that the :.Planning Board had not approved this request be- <br />cause they felt it would be spot zoning. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Whitted, it was moved and unanimously adopted to accept the Planning <br />Board's recommendation and deny the request of Jessie Council. <br />D. The final plat of a minor subdivision proposed by Tommy Cate. <br />This property lies in Chapel Hill Township. NIr. Cate is dividing <br />a 1 acre lot out of a 7 acre tract. The lot fronts on SR #2001 and the <br />Health Department has approved it. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner walker, <br />it was moved and unanimously adopted to approve the final plat of Tommy <br />Cate. <br />E. The final plat of Phase III Hideaway Estates. This is located <br />in Chapel Hill Township; off NC #86 just north of Blackwood Station. <br />This phase consist of 25 lots, about 1 acre each. The road will be <br />under the old state construction standards (non-paved). 'The State <br />has accepted the road section in Phase I already. The profile per- <br />colation test results were mostly acceptable and there has~been no <br />evidence in the older phases of septic tank problems. Mr. Edwards <br />stated that the State will take over the road as soon as it is <br />brought up to State standards. <br />Commissioner Walker moved to approve the plat of Hideaway Estates, <br />Phase II2. This motion died for lack of a second. <br />Discussion ensued concerning a cul-de-sac that was not shown on <br />the plat. Commissioner Pinney moved tha the Board approve this plat <br />on the condition that it be drawn according to the Zoning Ordinance, <br />and that the cul'de-sac be on the end. The plat should then be re- <br />submitted for approval. <br />Commissioner Whitted seconded the motion. -- <br />All members of the Board voted aye and the motion was declared <br />passed. <br />F. The preliminary plat of Gales Perry. This land is located <br />in Chapel Hill Township, west of Blackwood Station off SR 1725. <br />This 40 acre tract had been split into two equal parts and a <br />60 foot wide perpetual easement was given from SR 1725 to the <br />property. Mr. Perry proposes to divide the eastern half of the <br />tract into four lots of about 5 acres each. Mr. Perry stated <br />that he was restricted by agreement with the owner of the west <br />portion of the tract, that no lots smaller than 4.5 acres would <br />