Orange County NC Website
~jEdiour month construction time is allowed in the bid proposal, thus <br />the facility could be completed around August 1, 1976. Delays in any <br />of the earlier steps such as advertising or award would, of course, delay <br />the completion date of the project. <br />The County Manager advised the Board that the decision had been made <br />not to include a water recycling system in the riaintenance Vehicle <br />Facility due to the fact that proper drainage already existed. b1r. <br />Gattis stated that if the Board wished to proceed with this project that <br />he would need the authority to move on the items listed on the Agenda. <br />Discussion ensued. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />FThitted, it was moved and adopted that the County Manager should proceed <br />with the Vehicle Maintenance Facility and that the Water Recycling <br />system would not be included. _ <br />Item IX: Tax Refunds for bits. Lorene Brame and P~.J.'s of Chanel <br />Hill was deferred. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Whitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted that the meeting adjourn. <br />~~~+ Q• ~~ <br />Flora R. Garrett, Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes Clerk <br />PIINUTES OF THE ORANGE COTJNTI' BOARD OF CObIbiISSIONERS <br />Tuesday, March 16, 1976 <br />The orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session an <br />Tuesday, March 16, 1976, at 7:30 p.m., in the Commissioners' Room of <br />the Courthouse in Hillsborough. The meeting was later moved to the <br />Superior Courtroom. <br />P•iembers present were Chairman Flora Garrett, Commissioners Norman <br />Gustaveson, Jan Pinney, Richard Whitted, and Norman Walker. <br />Members absent: None <br />Other present were S. bl. Gattis, County Administrator, Neal Evans, <br />Fiscal Officer; A. B. Coleman, Jr. and Jeff Gladhill, County Attorneys; <br />and Betty June Hayes, Clerk to the Board.. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to T_tem I on the Agenda: Persons not on <br />this Agenda having business to transact with the Board of Commissioners <br />should make their presence known at this time. <br />No one came forth. <br />Chairman Garrett presented a letter to the Board from bias. Vogel <br />of Rt. #1, Durham, N. C. requesting the installation of a traffic light <br />on Highway 70A at the intersection of Old T-Iightivay 86. <br />The Clerk was instructed to write the Department of Transporation <br />and request an investigation of the situation. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Iten II on the Agenda: The Oxange <br />County Board of Social services will recommend an amendment to the <br />County Budget affecting their Chore Service Program. <br />Tom Ward, Social Services Director; Clem Johnson, Barbara Faust, <br />and Diae McClendon, members of the Social Services Board, were present. <br />t•1r. Ward presented to the Board a request for continuation of the <br />Chore Service Program. He stated that the Social Services Board had <br />adopted this request in special meeting and requested that it be filed <br />with the Board. He added that additional County funds needed for 70 <br />providers per mor_th to July 1, 1976, would amount t^ $15,000.00. FIe <br />stated further that the Social Services Board had met earlier this even- <br />ing and had agreed that the request for additional funds should be raised <br />