Orange County NC Website
5 <br />BA+CK~GRC~~TN1~ <br />RN&11~ was retained by orange County to~evaluate several H1lAC system replacement options for the <br />pre-~ 997 potions of the Orange County Jail, which includes approximately ~ S,DOD square feet of space. <br />These areas include the booking area, main control room, kitchen, laundry, visitation area, main lobby <br />and several cells. Occupancy loads were based an current lavels, with na increased capacity assumed <br />far these areas. The existing system is approximately 25 years old. Several critical system components, <br />including the chiller have reached Ar exceeded Chair life expectancy. Uur analysis included evaluating <br />these components, their effect on the operation of the jail, the economic impact of replacement, and the <br />potential systems that could be used far replacement, <br />