Orange County NC Website
4 <br />instructed staff to develop strategies that may ultimately provide some level of support ~- in terms of <br />financial assistance or lowered utility bills -~ to lower income households. <br />Orange County staff has determined to pursue Board of County Commissioner directives in this matter, <br />either, in whole or in part, by looking for assistance from consultants with expertise in developing a sound <br />financial basis for setting utility rates. ~lllhile it would be very helpful if the County could engage a rate <br />study consultant having expertise in creating a programmatic process for providing assistance to low , <br />income ratepayers, we recognize that this particular aspect of Board goals may not be one that can be <br />addressed in the context of a rate study. <br />SUBNITTA~ ~EQUI~E~ENTS: <br />Each submittal must include: <br />The Statement of Qualificationsl Proposal should included the following information; <br />. General background information about the firm Ename, address, year established, telephone <br />numbers, electronic address, contact person} <br />2.. Relevant information about the firm's history and experience in sewer utility cost of service and <br />rate making studies. include current contact information of past clients} <br />3, Statement of significance of firm's capabilities, experience, and approach to this project; . <br />4. General project approach and schedule timeline <br />5. Examples of innovation and creativity in such projects; <br />6. Familiarity, if any, with assistance to low income rate payers; <br />7. Statement or listing of information to be provided by Orange County <br />8. ~.isting of relevant experience with reference information; <br />9. listing of key personnel who will work on the study <br />10. Cost proposal to conduct the study, please also include optional cost tv make presentation at a <br />night meeting in either Chapel Hill or Hillsborough. N.C. <br />RFP Format <br />Orange County has once again achieved the highest verifiable waste reduction rate in the State of <br />North Carolina as calculated by the NG Waste Management Division. The 2002-2003 45°/~ reduction <br />rate exceeds the 2001-2002 rate by a full 5°/p. In keeping with our efforts to reduce waste at its <br />svuce,~we are asking that respondents double-side copies on recycled content paper tv the extent <br />practicable. <br />Each respondent is requested to submit one hard copy of your proposal and one ~~ } copy on CD ar <br />via E-Mail ~dcannell co.oran} containing the complete RFP in Adobe Acrobat format by the <br />submittal deadline at 5;00 pm EST, February 9, 2007. Proposals shall include a separate din sealed <br />envelope attached only to original} clearly marked "Cost Proposal" along with the name of your firm. <br />Most of the selection team members will conduct their individual reviews from the material provided in <br />PDF format, so please ensure that they are'readable before they are Please submit your proposal <br />to the orange County Purchasing Agent,129 East King Street, P4 Box 8~8~; Hillsborough, NC <br />27278. <br />Orange County reserves the right to interview any and all f firms prior to selection. <br />The Orange County Purchasing contact is David Connell, He can be contacted at ~9~ 9} 245-265 or <br />via Email at,us preferred}. A copy ofthis RFP as well as addendum will be <br />posted on the Orange County website at: http; bids.htm.. <br />Orange County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and waive minor variances. <br />Proposals received after the due dateltime shall not be considered. <br />