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350 <br />situated within the zoning jurisdiction Of the Tawn of Carrboro, the <br />Planning Board referred this entire plat to the Carrboro Planning <br />Board. This changed plat has not been reviewed by the County Planning <br />Board. <br />Commissioner Walker moved far the approval of the Heritage Hills <br />Section IV plat. This motion died for lack of a second. <br />Discussion ensued concerning open space, walking paths, and adequ- <br />ate sewer service. Joe Hakan stated that an agreement between the <br />developer and the Town of Carrboro had been made provided the developer <br />repaired the pumping station. He stated that this area had been reserved <br />for sewer space. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Whitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved to approve the Heritage Hills Section TV plat <br />based on the fact that the developer provide a pedestrian easement in <br />places where the public road had been closed and that water and sewer <br />be obtained; that the 3~ acres of open space as approved by Carrboro <br />be provided under the same condition as Carrboro recommended. <br />Voting aye were Commissioner Garrett, Gustaveson, Walker and Whitted. <br />Voting nay was Commissioner Pinney. <br />The motion was declared passed. <br />Chairman Garrett deferred from the Agenda as the Board was pre- <br />sented a Deed of Conveyance. The Board authorized the Chairman to sign <br />the deed to.the Town of Carrboro for twe lots described in the adopted <br />Resolution as sef forth in the minutes of the December 11, 1975 meeting. <br />These lots were obtained through tax foreclosure by the County and are <br />being conveyed to the Town of Carrboro. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item #18 on the Agenda: The County <br />Civil Preparedness Coordinator, Mr. Burch Compton, will review with <br />the Board of Commissioners the annual Program Paper of this agency. <br />Burch Compton presented a program paper designed to set forth <br />the County's Civil Preparedness Program for the coming year. The <br />principal aim of this document was to forecast the efforts this <br />agency will make to define the risk of radioactivity fallout which <br />county citizens will be exposed to and formulate a program to minimize <br />this risk. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Whitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted that the Chairman sign the <br />County's Civil Preparedness-Program for the coming year. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item #4 (D) - Results of the County <br />Attorney's investigation into procedures available to adjust boundaries <br />of the extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction of the Town of Chapel Hill. <br />Steve Bernholz, County Attorney, presented a Memorandum to the <br />Board concerning Chapel Hill Extraterritorial Zoning Jurisdiction. <br />"After reviewing Chapel Hill's new charter and other local and <br />general legislation, I am forced to conclude that, with the <br />exception of the Southern Triangle, Chape]~ Hill is not authorized <br />to expand its zoning jurisdiction without additional local legis- <br />lotion. <br />Chapel Hill made the current request under the providions of N.C. <br />Gen. Stat. 160A-360. The statutes is a general authorization for <br />cities of 25,000 or more to extend their zoning jurisdiction up _ <br />to'three miles beyond their corporate limits by ordinance if the <br />Board of County Commissioners of the surrounding county consents <br />to the extension. However, subsection (h) of N.C. Gen. Stat. 160A- <br />360 limits the cities' authority to expand their zoning jurisdiction <br />by ordinance in that it forebids using N.C. Ge'n. Stat. 160A-360 to <br />amend or modify any local legislation which defines the boundaries <br />of a city's extraterritorial jurisdiction by metes and bounds. <br />If a city's extraterritorial zoning bondaries have been defined by <br />metes and bounds in local legislation, the effects of subsection (h) <br />is to require that before the city can extend its zoning jurisdiction <br />it must obtain additional local legislation amending the previous <br />local legislation either to expand the existing metes and bounds <br />description or to authorize the city to use the powers conferred by <br />N.C. Gen. Stat. 160A-360. This result is consistent with the obvious <br />