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May 22, 2007: Public input sessions were held for the Library interior design. <br />Three sessions were held for staff, the Library Task Force and the Public on this <br />date. Resulting comments were incorporated into the final design submitted by <br />Mr. Barton. <br />June 26, 2007: The County Campus Purchase and Sale Agreement and <br />Construction Manager at Risk (CMR) Contract were approved with the following <br />contingencies: <br />• Design contracts for buildings would be borne by the County consistent <br />with State Law; <br />• The Gateway Center property would be acquired contingent upon the <br />developer successfully closing a deal with Weaver Street Market for the <br />first floor of the Gateway Center; <br />• All regulatory approvals could be obtained for the proposed facilities; <br />• The CMAR could satisfy the criteria of his loan underwriter. <br />o Note: The County was required to make no progress payments <br />during the construction of the County Campus project. The first <br />payment was made in February 2009 when the Gateway Center <br />was purchased. Payments for the Library and office buildings are <br />anticipated after July 1, 2009. <br />• The County could obtain LGC approval and underwriting approval of debt <br />structuring within the County's policy of 15% of General Fund with 7% <br />annual growth. <br />• Execution and delivery of contract documents from the CMR with his <br />construction contractors. (Note: CMR required to follow public bidding <br />regulations in the selection of contractors to carry out the work.) <br />• The developer must submit evidence of a clean bill of environmental health <br />on all properties. <br />June 11, 2007: BOCC approved professional services contracts for the design of <br />the office building and library. <br />January 15, 2008: BOCC considered modifications to the contract as requested <br />by the developer. While none of the modifications changed the project cost, the <br />developer reserved the right to increase cost if the bids for the project were <br />substantially beyond the original estimate. Programming of the office building <br />and library had taken longer than the developer anticipated, but were necessary <br />to ensure the designs were vetted by the County and would ultimately yield a <br />facility usable for the long-term. <br />October 21, 2008: The Board approved an additional $445,569 for sustainable <br />design elements to be added to the buildings. While basic sustainable design <br />features were included in the design of the buildings originally, the contract <br />provided that the County would pay for additional sustainable design elements it <br />deemed appropriate. The buildings were designed with energy efficient HVAC <br />systems however the County opted to look for even deeper long term savings <br />2 <br />