Orange County NC Website
16 <br />If'' lnl <br />Areas of Commonality <br />1 Connection north to Eubanks Road <br />2 Connection across the railroad track on Weaver Dairy Extension using Purefoy <br />Road <br />3 Two plans and possibly the third show an east west road to the north of <br />Purefoy, connectinf; to Rogers Road <br />J Cross roads at the center of the ,urea to become a community center with <br />mixed use development rright include a community center /libiary <br />S School near the center of the area <br />6 Buffer on the north side of study area to shield the area from the landfill site <br />7 The historic house is retained in all plans and made part of the proposed <br />Church complex <br />8 Greater density of development to lessen this individual cost of sevjer, at the <br />a <br />,,ime time, reas near Ro ers Rcad and along the north vde of area seen as <br />less dense to retain thf, current feel of the area <br />9 Farmers' market and community gardens <br />10 The community needs to write a cultural history and create a plan to preserve <br />its cultural heritage <br />