Orange County NC Website
The Greene Tract <br />The Task Force received information from the Director of the Orange County <br />Environment and Resource Conservation o the Greene Tract, The The 2002 Greene <br />environmental sensitivity and importance <br />Tract Concept Plan was adopted by Orange County, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro. The <br />plan's sole component is a map that delineates the acreage of the jointly owned <br />Greene Tract would be used for Affordable Housing and Open Space (Figure 7). <br />The Greene and Neville Tracts <br />Current Parcel ownership <br />Land Use Visioning Exercises 0Q, <br />Prior to the interim Report, the Task Force took part in a land use visioning exer- <br />cise in which they explored different building types, arrangement, and density. <br />Members expressed a preliminary preference for residential densities between <br />1 -8 Units /Acre, recreational, and small commercial landuses tgers Road <br />study area. Additionally, Town staff utilized 3 -D modeling oftware o <br />the scale of the proposed Habitat for Humanity project adjacent to Purefoy Road. <br />Greene Tract COMOPt Plan <br />2002 <br />