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Advantages <br />Allocation of this space to the Board of Elections would allow them to: <br />• Comply with laws regarding storage of voting equipment; <br />• Have professional and adequate operational space for Elections activities for the long-term; <br />• Maintain post-election materials in a convenient and safe manner until they can be disposed of in <br />compliance with the law; <br />• Conduct one-stop voting centers at the BOE site rather than at a remote location, which has been <br />the case for the past several years. <br />• Provide better Handicapped Access to voters and precinct workers. <br />Pre-requisites <br />The GSC Annex is currently occupied by Information Technologies (IT) and the Human Resources and <br />Financial Services Departments. These departments would need to move to the following locations <br />proposed in the space study and previously endorsed by the Board: <br />• IT to the new office building, slated for completion in late-Summer 2009; and <br />• The Departments of Human Resources and Financial Services to the Link Center. <br />During the FY 2008-09 budget approval process, the Board deferred funding for renovation of the Link <br />Center until July 2009. The building remains mostly vacant following the move of the Tax Offices and <br />Register of Deeds to the Gateway Center in February 2008. The extent of remodeling at the Link Center <br />would be limited to office areas and the amount of work adjusted to match the funding and renovation <br />timeframe, if needed. This would allow the relocation of Human Resources and Financial Services by late <br />summer 2009. Programming through Corley Redfoot Zack prior to funding deferral, indicated the best <br />location for the Board room was in the area previously occupied by Land Records on the lower level. <br />Upfit and renovation of this area would be funded in a later CIP. The work to be done to the GSC Annex <br />would commence when those departments relocate to Link. The projected cost of renovations is $1 <br />million. <br />Challenges <br />Although completion of the office building to accommodate IT will be timely, funds for the Link Center <br />renovation were frozen in 2008 so the work has not been completed. However, as discussed below in the <br />Financial Impact section of this abstract, offices in the Link Center may be upfit with existing CIP funding <br />pending BOCC approval of reallocation. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There are two seemingly disparate actions that factor into the funding scenario <br />which would allow the GSC Annex space to be assigned to the Board of Elections. <br />1. The Board of Elections has received approximately $97,000 in HAVA grant monies in the current <br />fiscal year. These monies can be used to offset costs of renovating the GSC Annex to make it <br />serviceable as an Elections office. Should Commissioners agree to allow the Board of Elections to <br />use these grant monies, Budget staff would bring a budget amendment and capital project <br />ordinance reflecting this change to the Board at its June 16, 2009 regular meeting; <br />2. The County's 2009-10 Capital Investment Plan (CIP) allowed for debt financing of up to $1 million <br />in FY 2009-10 to replace the County's telephone system. The actual cost of the replacement totals <br />$575,000, $425,000 less than the original estimate of $1 million. In a separate item on this <br />agenda, the Board is asked to award a bid for the replacement. <br />3. The 2009-19 CIP also included an appropriation of County pay-as-you-go funding of $575,000 in <br />FY 2009-10 to begin renovations at the Link Center. In addition, the CIP allowed for an additional <br />