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9 <br />termination provisions of this Agreement, annexation provisions of this <br />Agreement shall be valid for not more than 20 years and may thereafter be <br />renewed. A party may not withdraw until it holds a public hearing on the <br />proposed withdrawal with thirty (30) days notification of the hearing, followed by <br />action ,and written notice to the other party not sooner than thirty (30) days <br />following the closing of the public hearing. The withdrawal shall be effective one <br />(1) year following receipt by the other party of the written notice. <br />C. Upon execution of this Agreement, the parties agree that each will take, in a <br />timely manner, all steps (including but not limited to preparation and adoption of <br />Zoning Maps and all required land use ordinance amendments) required to cause <br />this Agreement to become effective, and will notify the other party with those <br />steps have been taken. <br />ARTICLE 2. ACTIONS SUBSEQUENT TO EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT <br />The parties to this agreement shall initiate work to complete the following, subsequent to <br />execution of this agreement: <br />Section 2.1. Adoption of Joint Land Use Plan <br />A. Hillsborough shall adopt a Land Use Plan designating future land use for the <br />Hillsborough Urbanizing Area and the Orange County Urbanizing Area (areas <br />shown in blue and orange in Exhibit A), inviting comments from the Orange <br />County Board of Commissioners. <br />B. Upon receipt of the adoption described in Section 2.1.A, the Orange County <br />Board of Commissioners shall consider endorsing the land use designations <br />adopted by Hillsborough, adding land use designations for the Notification Area <br />(area shown in white on Exhibit A). <br />C. Both parties, Hillsborough and Orange County shall then either (1) Each adopt the <br />composite land use plan if deemed to be acceptable; or (2) If one or both parties <br />desire changes to be made to the recommendations, the parties shall arrange for <br />negotiation and agreement on such changes followed by joint approval. <br />Section 2.2. Adjustment of Hillsborough Extraterritorial Jurisdiction <br />A. Hillsborough shall prepare a request to submit to Orange County, offering to <br />relinquish existing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction as part of County action to adjust <br />the ETJ boundary as shown on Exhibit A, and requesting extension of <br />Extraterritorial Jurisdiction as shown on Exhibit A. <br />