Agenda - 06-02-2009 - 5b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-02-2009
Agenda - 06-02-2009 - 5b
Entry Properties
Last modified
5/29/2009 5:14:20 PM
Creation date
5/29/2009 5:14:16 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090602
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
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34 <br />C. Whenever Hillsborough proposes to amend the text of its Zoning Ordinance or <br />Subdivision Regulations, Hillsborough shall deliver a copy of the full text of the <br />proposed amendment to Orange County not later than thirty (30) days before the <br />date of the public hearing on any such amendment. However, with the written <br />consent of the Orange County Manager or his/her designee, this thirty (30) day <br />period maybe reduced to not less than ten (I O) days. Unless Orange County files <br />a written objection on or before the date of the public hearing on the proposed <br />ordinance amendment, then adoption of the amendment by Hillsborough shall <br />automatically effect a corresponding amendment to the ordinance adopted by <br />reference by Orange County as provided in Section 3.IE. If Hillsborough adopts <br />an amendment despite Orange County's objection, then it shall refer such <br />amendment to Orange County with a request that the County make corresponding <br />changes expeditiously so that Hillsborough may continue to enforce within its <br />portion of the Urbanizing Area the same standards that it enforces within its own <br />planning jurisdiction. In the event of objection by Orange County as provided <br />herein, no such amendment shall be effective within the Hillsborough Urbanizing <br />Area until it is adopted by Orange County. Amendments shall be made in <br />consideration of and consistent with the Joint Land Use Plan. <br />D. Orange County may not unilaterally amend the text of its zoning or subdivision <br />ordinances applicable to the Urbanizing Areas (i.e., those ordinances adopted by <br />reference pursuant to Section 3.1B). Amendments to the ordinances referenced in <br />Secrion 3.1B by Orange County may be accomplished only pursuant to <br />Subsection C above {including adoption by Orange County following a request to <br />do so by Hillsborough). Any petitions or requests to amend these ordinances <br />received by the 'County or initiated by the County shall be referred to <br />Hillsborough. <br />E. Proposed amendments to the text of this Agreement shall not become effective <br />until approved by Hillsborough and Orange County. <br />ARTICLE 4. LIMITATIONS ON ANNEXATIONS <br />Except pursuant to the written consent of both parties to this Agreement, <br />Hillsborough may not annex land outside of the Urbanizing Area boundaries (whether <br />by voluntary or involuntary annexation or any other method authorized by law), nor <br />shall any party seek special legislation accomplishing such annexation. <br />THIS AGREEMENT entered into this day of , 2009. <br />Chair, Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Attest: <br />Mayor, Town of Hillsborough <br />8 <br />
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