Orange County NC Website
33 <br />Section 3.7 Enforcement Remedies <br />A. Permit revocation, if necessary and authorized by ordinance, shall be handled by <br />the same individual or board authorized to issue the original permit. <br />B. Within those portions of the Hillsborough Urbanizing Area where the ordinances <br />specified in Section 3.1B are administered by Hillsborough, enforcement efforts <br />through the use of civil penalties, criminal penalties or injunctive relief shad be <br />initiated by Hillsborough. Hillsborough shall have the duty to defend at its own <br />expense and shall indemnify and hold harmless, to the extent that it can legally do <br />so, Orange County, its Board of Commissioners, its advisory boards, its staff and <br />all members of its boazds and staffs, in their official and individual capacities, <br />from any and all claims, actions, proceedings, expenses, damages or liabilities, <br />including attorneys' fees and court costs, resulting from the Town's <br />administration of the ordinances specified in Section 3.1B. <br />C. Orange County shall notify Hillsborough and Hillsborough shall notify the <br />County as soon as practicable thereafter of any such claim, action or proceeding. <br />Section 3.8 Land Use Plan Amendments <br />The process for amending the Joint Land Use Plan shall be the same as the process <br />for initially adopting the plan, as spelled out in Section 2.1. <br />Section 3.9 Ordinance and Zoning Map Amendments <br />A. Proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map applicable to <br />properties within the Hillsborough Urbanizing Area shall be initiated by or <br />referred to Hillsborough. No such amendment may become effective until after it <br />has been adopted by both Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough, <br />fallowing a jaint public hearing by both governing bodies. In reviewing and <br />taking action an such proposed amendments, the adopted Joint Land Use Plan <br />shall be considered in good faith as a guide to decision-making. <br />B. Proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map applicable to <br />properties within the Orange County Urbanizing Area shall be initiated by or <br />referred to Orange County and adopted in accordance with the procedures set <br />forth in County ordinances. No such amendment may become effective until <br />after it has been adopted by both Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough, <br />following a joint public hearing by both governing bodies. In reviewing and <br />taking action on such proposed amendments, the adopted Joint Land Use Plan <br />shall be considered in goad faith as a guide to decision-making. <br />7 <br />