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30 <br />B. Upon receipt of the request described in Section 2.i.A, Orange County shall take <br />action to amend the Hillsborough Extraterritorial Jurisdiction boundary, as shown <br />in Exhibit A. <br />Section 2.3. Adoption of Zoning and Subdivision Regulations <br />A. Following the land use designations of the jointly adopted Land. Use Plan <br />described in Section 2.1 above, Hillsborough shall adopt zoning and subdivision <br />regulations (including amendments to the Zoning Map) for application to ~ ETJ <br />areas, and recommend Orange County adoption of -zoning and subdivision <br />regulations (including amendments to the Zoning Map) for the Hillsborough <br />Urbanizing Area and the Orange County Urbanizing Area (areas shaded blue and <br />orange on Exhibit A). Additionally. Hillsborough shall revise its Zoning <br />Ordinance pertaining to membership on its Planning Board and Board of <br />Adjustment to provide for appointment of one (1) Orange County Urbanizing <br />Area representative on each of these boards. <br />B. Upon receipt of the actions described in Section 2.3.A and following the land use <br />designations of the jointly adopted Land Use Plan described in Section 2.1 above, <br />Orange County shall take action to amend zoning and subdivision regulations <br />(including amendments to the Zoning Map) for application to the Hillsborough <br />Urbanizing Area, the Orange County Urbanizing Area, and the Notification Area <br />(areas shaded blue, orange and white on Exhibit A), including areas far which <br />Hillsborough Extraterritorial Jurisdiction has been rescinded <br />ARTICLE 3. ADOPTION, ADMINISTRATION AND AMENDMENT OF STANDARDS <br />Section 3.i. Standards Within the Hillsborough Urbanizing Area (shown in blue on <br />Exhibit A) <br />A. Hillsborough shall prepare a Zoning Map for that portion of the Urban Services <br />Area that lies within the Hillsborough Urbanizing Area and shall recommend its <br />adoption by Orange County. Upon approval and adoption of this Zoning Map by <br />Orange County as prescribed in Subsection B of this Section, this shall become <br />part of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Map shall be prepared <br />using zoning districts which correspond to the text of the Hillsborough Zoning <br />Ordinance. <br />B. Upon completion of the Zoning Map referred to in Section 3.1A, Orange County <br />shall amend its Zoning Atlas in accordance with said Map. Orange County shall <br />also adopt by reference the Hillsborough Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision <br />Regulations and make those provisions applicable to the Hillsborough Urbanizing <br />Area <br />4 <br />