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28 <br />develop according to municipal standards, within which it is anticipated that <br />municipal services will be provided, and within which property is expected to be <br />annexed into the Town Limits of Hillsborough as development occurs. It is not <br />expected that Hillsborough will extend water and sewer service outside of this <br />Urban Services Area except for reasons of public health, safety, and general <br />welfare. <br />E. Hillsborough Urbanizing Area. A portion of the Hillsborough Urban Services <br />Area, as shown on the attached map labeled as Exhibit A, but outside the area <br />designated as "Hillsborough Jurisdiction," within which Hillsboroush <br />development standards will be applied as described in this Agreement. Property <br />is expected to be annexed into the Town Limits of Hillsborough as development <br />occurs. (Shown in the color blue on Exhibit A.) <br />F. Orange Countv Urbanizing Area. A portion of the Hillsborough Urban Services <br />area, as shown on the attached map labeled as Exhibit A, but outside the area <br />designated as "Hillsborough Jurisdiction" and outside the area labeled <br />"Hillsborough Urbanizing Area," within which Coun development standards <br />will be applied as described in this Agreement. Annexation is possible. Public <br />utilities maybe extended as feasible. (Shown in the color orange on Exhibit A.) <br />G. Existing Water Service Area Outside Urban Services Area. An area shown on the <br />attached map labeled as Exhibit A which currently is served by Hillsborough's <br />municipal water system, but which is outside the boundary of the Hillsborough <br />Urban Services Area, and for which it is not intended that other municipal <br />services will be provided, and for which annexation is not intended. <br />H. Notification Area. All areas included within the Central Orange Coordinated <br />Area boundary as shown on the attached map labeled Exhibit A, but which are not <br />located within any of the areas defined in paragraphs E through H above. (Shown <br />in white on Exhibit A.) There will be no annexation of property within the <br />Notification Area. <br />I. Central Orange Coordinated Area Land Use Plan. Aland use plan to be adopted <br />by the parties to this agreement subsequent to enactment of this agreement for the <br />areas on Exhibit A shown in blue, orange, and white (all land within the Central <br />Orange Coordinated Area except that which is within Hillsborough's jurisdiction), <br />and as may be amended from time to time. <br />Section 1.3 Effective Date and Duration <br />A. This Agreement shall become effective upon signatures of the parties. <br />B. This Agreement, including any Appendix hereto, shall remain in effect until <br />terminated by mutual agreement or by withdrawal of either party. Subject to <br />2 <br />