Orange County NC Website
Amendments Proposed by Orange County Staff (in Track Changes Format) Attachment 5 2 ~ <br />Hillsborough-Orange interlocai Land Management Agreement <br />Central Orange Coordinated Area <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 2009, by and <br />between the COUNTY OF ORANGE, a political subdivision of the State of North. <br />Carolina, and the TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH, a municipal corporation duly created <br />and existing under the laws of North Carolina. <br />WITNESSETH: <br />In consideration of the public benefits expected to flow from the cooperative efforts of <br />the parties in establishing~ra coordinated and comprehensive system of planning within <br />their respective areas of public concern, the parties to this Agreement hereby mutually <br />agree as follows: <br />ARTICLE I. PURPOSE, DEFINITIONS, EFFECTNE DATE <br />Section 1.1 Purpose of the Agreement <br />The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a method of coordinated and <br />comprehensive planning in the Central Orange Coordinated Area, as defined herein. <br />Section 1.2 Definitions <br />A. Central Orange Coordinated Area. The area displayed on the attached map <br />labeled as Exhibit A. <br />B. Hillsborough Jurisdiction. Areas that are either within the Town Limits of <br />Hillsborough, or within Hillsborough's Extraterritorial Area. The Town of <br />Hillsborough is responsible for adopting and administering land use regulations <br />within these areas. The area under Hillsborough's Jurisdiction may be amended <br />over time either as annexation occurs, or as changes are made to the Town's <br />Extraterritorial Area boundary. On the attached Exhibit A, areas within <br />Hillsborough's jurisdiction are shown in shades of gray. <br />C. Orange County Jurisdiction. All areas included in the attached map labeled as <br />Exhibit A which are not within Hillsborough's Jurisdiction as defined above. <br />Orange County is responsible for adopting and arranging for administration of <br />land use regulations in this area. <br />D. Hillsborou Urban Services Area. An area, shown on the attached map labeled <br />as Exhibit A, which includes properties that are currently within the Hillsborough <br />Jurisdiction, and also areas in the Orange County Jurisdiction that are expected to <br />