Orange County NC Website
23 <br />term growth. The proposed shifts would represent generally equivalent acreage <br />being added and taken away. <br />- A boundary for Hillsborough's growth and annexation would be established. <br />- Boundaries would be drawn for areas of joint review of development proposals. <br />Craig Benedict pointed out areas on the map of the potential urban services area. <br />Craig Benedict said that in all of the blue, orange, and white areas, there would be a <br />joint land use plan and there would be agreement about what uses would be in those areas. <br />Roger Waldon said that this has been good planning and the. hope is that the two boards <br />would consider the agreement and the map. <br />Craig Benedict reiterated that this is an agreement to do something and not putting lines <br />on a map or changing land uses or zoning at this time. <br /> <br />