Agenda - 06-02-2009 - 5b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-02-2009
Agenda - 06-02-2009 - 5b
Entry Properties
Last modified
5/29/2009 5:14:20 PM
Creation date
5/29/2009 5:14:16 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090602
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
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Hillsborough that could be serviced by water and sewer. An impetus to study this issue was that <br />the Town of Hillsborough's Primary Service Area for water and sewer services, as noted in the <br />Water and Sewer Management Planning and Boundary Agreement (a joint agreement between <br />Orange County, OWASA, and the Towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough adopted in <br />2001; see map in Attachment 3), extends far beyond the Town's extraterritorial jurisdiction <br />(ETJ). It exceeds the Town's capacity for providing these services. The Urban Transition Area <br />Task Force completed its work in early 2005 when the County and Town accepted the resulting <br />Principles of Agreement and Map. Since the Task Force was not able to identify specific areas <br />for water and sewer services, one of the Principles was for the two governments to jointly <br />contract the services of a consultant to prepare a Joint Strategic Growth Plan. <br />Town of Hillsborough/Orange Countv Strategic Growth Plan -Phase I <br />In early 2006 the Town and County embarked upon a Strategic Growth Plan with the assistance <br />of a steering committee and retained consultant Clarion Associates. The project culminated <br />with a Strategic Growth Plan Report in late 2006 and became known as "Phase I" of the <br />Hillsborough-Orange County Strategic Growth Plan as the plan called for additional work to be <br />done and preparation of an Interlocal Agreement. <br />Town of Hillsborough/Orange Countv Strategic Growth Plan -Phase II <br />Phase II of the Strategic Growth Plan, which is the current phase culminating in the Interlocal <br />Agreement under consideration, began in the Spring of 2008 with the appointment of the <br />Hillsborough-Orange County Interlocal Agreement Steering Committee. The Committee was <br />tasked with developing an agreement to promote coordinated planning in central Orange County <br />between Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough. Clarion Associates was retained to <br />coordinate the Committee and draft the agreement. The Committee completed its work, <br />including a robust public input meeting schedule, in early 2009 and the Interlocal Agreement <br />was a topic of discussion at the joint meeting between Orange County and the Town of <br />Hillsborough on February 19, 2009. The Town of Hillsborough's Board voted to approve the <br />Interlocal Agreement at its meeting on April 13, 2009. <br />The draft Interlocal Agreement is contained in Attachment 1. Future implementation of the <br />Agreement will result in: <br />• adoption of a Joint Land Use Plan (map and text), <br />• creation of Urbanizing Areas with underlying County authority with Town of <br />Hillsborough Zoning Administration, <br />• adjustment of the Town's Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (abandonment of some existing <br />ETJ by the Town and the County granting new ETJ), and <br />• amendments to the County's Zoning Ordinance and Atlas, as well as Subdivision <br />Regulations. <br />Article 2 of the Agreement indicates the proposed process for these amendments, which are to <br />be completed in a "timely manner." These future amendments to the Land Use Element (map <br />and text), Zoning Ordinance, Zoning Atlas, and Subdivision Regulations will follow the normal <br />processes for adopting changes to the respective document (i.e., advertising, notification, and <br />joint public hearing). <br />
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