Orange County NC Website
18 <br />1. Land use amendment involving five (5) acres, <br />2. Rezoning involving five (5) acres, <br />3. Special Use Permit or Master Plan involving five (5) acres, <br />4. Conditional Use Permits involving five (5) acres, <br />5. Annexations involving five (5) acres, <br />6. Projects with a residential component of greater than 50 dwelling units. <br />7. Modifications to any of the above applications or permits requiring board action. <br />Section 1.3 Effective Date and Duration <br />A. This Agreement, except as provided below, shall become effective upon adoption <br />of an ordinance by the elected officials of the Town of Hillsborough and Orange <br />County to its effect. Any previously adopted Agreements in conflict with this <br />Agreement shall become null and void upon this date. The Courtesy Review Area <br />Map in Appendix A to this Agreement shall become effective upon the execution <br />of this Agreement. <br />B. This Agreement, including any Appendix hereto, shall remain in effect until <br />terminated by mutual agreement or by withdrawal of any party. Withdrawal of <br />one party shall absolve the remaining party to satisfy conditions under the <br />Agreement. <br />ARTICLE 2. ADOPTION, ADMINISTRATION AND <br />AMENDMENT OF STANDARDS <br />All proposed developments noted in Section 1.2B shall be submitted for courtesy review in the <br />following areas: <br />A. Aforesaid Courtesy Review Map area outside of Hillsborough's ETJ, <br />B. Within the Town of Hillsborough's town limits and extra-territorial jurisdiction. <br />Section 2.1 Request for Joint Meeting <br />Either jurisdiction may request a joint meeting of the elected boards to discuss a <br />development proposal subject to courtesy review. The request shall be made in writing by the <br />reviewing jurisdiction when comments are submitted or in writing by the approving jurisdiction <br />upon receipt of comments. When either party requests a joint meeting, the approving jurisdiction <br />Z:~Projects~Intecgoveromental Agreeement~H>7lsborough-OrangeWgreement~Exhibit B -Courtesy Review Agreement-2006.doc 2 <br />