Agenda - 06-02-2009 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-02-2009
Agenda - 06-02-2009 - 5a
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Last modified
5/29/2009 5:08:35 PM
Creation date
5/29/2009 5:08:34 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090602
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7 <br />50 that is measured throughout the year. States that are not in compliance with the 1990 Title 2 Clean Air Act <br />51 result in counties having to pay for added oxidations or oxidants in fuel and we pay for that at the pump. <br />52 We pay for that and that is not in here. Also not in here is anything about particulates, emissions <br />53 particulates, and they are not measuring that. So there are two parts of the study that are not really <br />54 measured and the particulates are really of importance to small children, the elderly, asthmatics, and <br />55 people with obstructive pulmonary disorders. I see some flaws in this study and I'm conflicted on this. It <br />56 looks to me like you have this lobby group, Califomia Business Properties Association that is paying for this <br />57 study. I looked and California Business Properties Association are advocates for shopping centers and real <br />58 estates firms. I'm not sure where I am on this whole thing but I just wanted to point some problems with that <br />59 study. <br />60 <br />61 Jeff Schmitt: In the midst of the discussion, I would like to resurrect option one, (do nothing) handicapped <br />62 people today this is going to create a significant issue for them when they go to use adrive-in facility. <br />63 Parents with children who could previously go thru a facility with their children in the car safely in their seats <br />64 now will have to park the car get the kids out of the car and cross the lot, I could go on with issues like this. <br />65 I'm not sure that we have enough of this in the County that it creates that big of an environmental issue and <br />66 think this is somewhat of over reaction on the part of the Commissioners in bringing this forward. From my <br />67 perspective the questions and how we look at this, I'd like to have that in a context to think about it. <br />68 <br />69 (Document °The Idle Free School Zone Project - 2006-2007n was passed out by staff from Planning Board <br />70 Member Mary Bobbin-Cooke.) <br />71 <br />72 Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: If you remember at the Quarterly Hearing, I talked about what Forsyth County had <br />73 done in terms of really looking at places where there were a lot of particulates and bad air around children. <br />74 They have initiated an idle free school zone project. Basically, it's an education project which is always a <br />75 good way to reach out first before you start doing a lot of regulation. It educates the parents to turn the car <br />76 off while they're waiting for their children to come out from school or when they are going to drop off. It has <br />77 posters they send around and it helps parents transfer the behavior to other situations where if you're idling <br />78 more than a minute you shut your car off and they understand how it affects children's asthma as well as <br />79 the whole concept of air. I live close to Grady Brown and the High School and that's build right next to a <br />80 highway. I think the parents in the grade schools in Orange County would be willing to listen to this. What, <br />81 they did in Forsyth County was there is no policy, they negotiated with the principal and the school staff to <br />82 put this in order. They have a Triad air awareness and emergency management program; all these groups <br />83 came together and worked with the schools to put this into place. It has been adopted by all the grade <br />84 schools and now they are moving into the middle schools. This is something we might want to ask the <br />85 County Commissioners to do first. The second thing in Forsyth County was the county employees have <br />86 been asked to turn their cars off. This is to model the kind of behavior they want all the residents in the <br />87 County to follow. I am thinking I would like to add to Jeff's proposal to resurrect option one, do nothing in <br />88 terms of regulation but let's start working in the areas where our children are and two see if the County <br />89 Manager would be willing to talk with the Forsyth County manager about this regulation and was it difficult <br />90 to put in place. Maybe staff here might want to react to that, do you have one in place? <br />91 <br />92 Michael Harvey: We don't have one in place; I think the one in Forsyth County is a policy and a <br />93 suggestion. It is unenforceable which is why it's not a regulation so we need to be careful with how we do <br />94 that. <br />95 <br />96 Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: In terms of doing number one, do nothing in terms of regulation, I'm suggesting that <br />97 we say, let's do no regulation but let's consider some education and outreach where we can have behavior <br />98 modeled by county employees as well as really target where our children are which is a big concern. I think <br />2 <br />
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