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a <br />Planning Board members discussed the item and recommended the following: <br />1. The Board of County Commissioners initiate a comprehensive and countywide <br />awareness education program about idling and the contaminants it puts in our air, <br />focusing specifically on areas with children and idling vehicles (such as schools, ball <br />fields, etc.) to start in the fall of 2009 and end in the spring of 2011. The goal of the <br />program is to encourage individuals to turn off their vehicles when parked rather than <br />allowing them to idle, and <br />2. To recommend the Board of County Commissioners disregard staffs two (2) options and <br />take no action on adopting regulations banning development of drive-thru facilities within <br />the County's planning jurisdiction (Option 1) or adopting comprehensive development <br />standards for drive-thru facilities (Option 2). <br />Both motions were approved by a seven (7) to two (2) vote amongst those members attending. <br />Please refer to the Planning Board's minutes in Attachment Three (3) of this abstract. <br />The Planning Board debated the subject at length and thought that better air quality progress <br />could be made in other areas besides the area of banning or overly regulating drive-thru <br />facilities. The Administration believes that Option 2 regulations would allow the limited use of <br />these facilities while adequately mitigating the effects. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: This request has been reviewed by various County departments who <br />have determined the approval of the request will not create the need for additional funding for <br />the provision of County services. <br />ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends the BOCC take <br />the following actions: <br />1. Receive the Planning Board recommendation, <br />2. If necessary, deliberate further on the proposed amendment, <br />3. Close the public hearing, and <br />4. Adopt Option 2 text. <br />