Orange County NC Website
Attachment 2 <br />NC Emergency Management Announces TS Hanna HMGP Application <br />Cycle Now Open STATEWIDE! <br />The application period is now open STATEWIDE for the Federal Emergency <br />Management Agency's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) for Tropical <br />Storm Hanna (1801). <br />Letters of Interest from communities are due to NCEM no later than Friday June <br />19, 2009. <br />Potential eligible activities include acquisition, elevation, retrofit, and storm water <br />management projects. No Hazard Mitigation Plans will be considered for this <br />grant program. Acquisitions and elevations of owner occupied principle places of <br />residence will be our first priority for funding. Please note that equipment <br />purchases for items such as stand-alone generators and communications <br />devices are not eligible for this grant grogram Funds for this disaster are limited <br />therefore no late Letter of Interest (COI's) will be accepted. <br />For more information please view FEMA's HMGP program guidance at <br /> <br />If your community is considering any acquisition or elevation projects, it would be <br />very helpful if tax cards and elevation certificates for the properties are attached <br />with the COI's so that we can evaluate the cost effectiveness of such projects <br />early on in the process. <br />Again, Letters of Interest which briefly describe ideas for potential mitigation <br />projects are due no later than Friday June 19, 2009. The Letter of Interest form <br />is attached to this email and should be returned to Joyce Holley at NCEM <br />(Contact Information on attached COI). Based on these COI's, NCEM's Hazard <br />Mitigation Section will provide technical assistance with identifying viable projects <br />and developing applications. <br />For additional information please feel free to contact Chris Crew, Hazard <br />Mitigation Section Chief, at (919) 715-8000 x277 or jcrew( <br />Thank you. <br />