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8 <br />extended for an additional term of two (2) yeazs, or from July 1, 2005 until June 30, 2007, as <br />agreed to by the parties. <br />SECTION 2 <br />Definitions: Terms used in this contract aze defined as follows: <br />Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA): An amendment to the federal Solid Waste <br />Disposal Act of 1965, RCRA was enacted in 1976. Within this contract the acronym RCRA does <br />not only refer to the Statute itself, but also to corresponding regulations codified in the Code of <br />Federal Regulations (CFR), guidance, and policy. The definitions that follow aze based on those <br />established by RCRA, and aze intended to reflect the meaning created by RCRA. <br />Hazardous Waste: A waste with properties that make it dangerous, or capable of having a <br />harmful effect on human health and the environment. As determined by RCRA, hazazdous <br />wastes aze specifically defined as wastes that meet a particulaz listing description (Listed Wastes) <br />or that exhibit a characteristic of hazardous waste (Characteristic Waste). <br />Chazacteristic Waste: Waste that is considered hazazdous under RCRA because it exhibits any of <br />four different measurable properties: ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, and toxicity. <br />Listed Wastes: Wastes that are considered hazardous under RCRA because they meet specific <br />listing descriptions. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has applied the listing criteria <br />to hundreds of specific industrial wastestreams. These wastes are grouped into four lists located <br />at 40 CFR Part 261, Subpart D. Each listed waste is assigned a hazard code by the EPA to <br />indicate its reason for listing a waste. <br />Acutey Hazazdous Waste: As defined by RCRA, Acutely Hazazdous Wastes are Listed Wastes <br />that are accompanied by the hazard code (H) and aze subject to stricter management standards <br />than most other wastes. <br />Household Hazardous Waste (HHW): Waste generated by a household that could technically be <br />hazardous waste (as defined above) but that is exempt by RCRA from the definition of hazardous <br />waste. <br />Conditionall~Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG): A commercial business, facility or <br />other non-household entity that produces less than 100 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or less <br />than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste, per calendaz month. <br />Universal Waste: As Codified by 40 CFR Part 273, Universal Wastes are certain widely <br />generated hazazdous wastes with special management provisions intended to ease the <br />management burden and to facilitate recycling. <br />Generator: Any person whose act first creates or produces a hazardous waste, used oil, or <br />medical waste, or first brings such material into RCRA regulation. <br />2 <br />