Orange County NC Website
OCHD Preparedness Agreement <br />With Person County HD <br />FY 09-10 <br />5. Develop and implement health and safety plans for public health responders to include (at a <br /> minimum) guidelines for personal protective equipment (PPE), prophylaxis, mental health <br /> and ersonal safet . <br />6. Develop and implement a community containment policy, in accordance with the pandemic <br /> influenza Ian, b Ma 31, 2010. <br />7. Maintain current and updated 24/7/365 contact information for each Local Health <br /> Department. This information should include telephone numbers, pagers, and other <br /> information needed to alert the LHD to critical events and/or recommend needed <br /> emer enc res onses. <br />8. Conduct a minimum of two (2) exercises by May 31, 2010. It is anticipated that local public <br /> health will conduct or participate in numerous exercises during the grant year. Local health <br /> departments (LHDs) are, at a minimum, required to exercise the following components of <br /> their planning activities: <br /> • Exercise some aspect of your Quarantine and Isolation policy <br /> • Exercise some aspect of your Communications Plan <br /> • Exercise SNS Ian <br />9. Develop and implement a corrective action plan with 60 days after each drill or exercise <br /> based on recommendations from our After Action Re ort <br />10. Continue to implement the Division of Public Health's National Incident Management <br /> System (NIMS) Workforce Training program. Maintain an updated database of trained <br /> individuals within each health department. Report the aggregate number of individuals <br /> trained both newt trained and total trained uarterl . <br />11. Develop and/or maintain an OSHA compliant respiratory protection program as offered by <br /> the PHRST by May 31, 2010. Coordinate and schedule annual fit testing. Staff <br /> participating in the program should at a minimum include environmental health staff, EPI <br /> Team staff, clinical staff, risk mana er, and the ublic health re aredness coordinator. <br />12. Develop, implement and exercise a telecommunication plan to encompass the use the NC <br /> Medical Communications Network (NCMCN) in accordance with the PHP&R <br /> Telecommunication Plan. This plan will list the different types of communications that the <br /> counties have to communicate with the Regions and the State. It will include the type of <br /> communication and who will be usin it. <br />13. Maintain radio equipment (both Pack Radios as well as 800 megaherz) as assigned to each <br /> health department to communicate with Local, Regional, and State emergency <br /> communication networks. Coordinate radio checks, training, maintenance and upkeep of <br /> Pack radios with PHRST 4. Follow the guidelines in the NC Office of Emergency Medical <br /> Service "Dial Code" ( LHDs will <br /> maintain the current tem late of fre uencies assi ned to radios, includin the Pack Radio . <br />14. Update county SNS plan in accordance with most current CDC guidance and incorporate all <br /> elements~of the SNS local assessment tool. All LHDs MUST have an SNS plan. The <br /> most current version of the CDC SNS tannin uidance is Version 10.02. <br />15. Provide an updated electronic copy of the SNS plan to PHP&R. This plan must have a "last <br /> updated date" within six (6) months to be considered up-to-date. Plans shall include the <br /> location and contact name and phone number of the local receiving node and points of <br /> dispensing, address all elements of the most current SNS local assessment checklist, and <br /> any pertinent MOAs or MOUs. Each county shall also submit an electronic copy of their <br /> checklist scored and with a e numbers of each item. <br />16. As part of the overall exercise requirements, SNS plans must be exercised annually. You <br /> may exercise a portion of or the entire SNS plan. To count as the yearly SNS exercise, <br /> counties must exercise either the entire plan or a different portion of the plan that was <br /> exercised the year prior. After Action Repor (AARs) must be completed within 30 days and <br /> submitted to PHP&R within 45 calendar da s of the exercise. <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />S:\Managers Working Files\Contracts\Miscellaneous Contracts\09-10 Renewal Person Co for Preparedness Coord.doc <br />