Orange County NC Website
0 <br />THE $20 FIX: AnimalKind's Financial Assistance Program for Pet SpaylNeuter <br />Your <br />Where did you get this application? <br />Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: <br />Street Address (if different from your mailing address): <br />City: State: Zip: In what county do you live? <br />Daytime Phone: Evening Phone: E-mail: <br />Your Age: Number of Adults in Household (including you): Number of Children in Household: <br />Only in extreme circumstances, AnimalKind may be able to reduce the $20 co-pay (the amount you pay). ^ YES, have someone contact me about <br />reducing the co-pay. <br />Please enclose EITHER a copy of your Medicaid card OR a copy of the last tax return for each adult in your <br />household. If you qualify based on your current income (see back side of application) but did not file taxes, please enclose a note of explanation <br />and your best proof of income (W-2's, check stubs, etc.). <br />Are you enclosing a copy of your own Medicaid card? Yes No <br />Are you enclosing a copy of the last tax return for each adult in your household? Yes No <br />Current household income per month from all sources (the amount before taxes are taken out): <br />Please list any assistance programs from which your household gets help: <br />Important note about privacy: The information you provide will not be sold or shared. For additional protection of your private information, please <br />mark through the Social Security numbers on all copies of documents before mailing them. Do not send original documents! <br />Please list your pets that need spaylneuter surgery: <br />We cannot issue vouchers for feral or stra cats or do s. Contact us for other resources. <br />Dog or Cat Pet's Name Sex Description or Breed Pregnant? In Heat? A Agex Weight <br />I understand that THE a20 FIX vouchers are for pets owned by me-the applicant. The information I have provided about myself, my pets, and <br />my household income is accurate and truthful. I have enclosed a photocopy of my Medicaid card or the best proof I have of my total <br />household income. Fraudulent use of THE S20 FIX program will result in services charged to me at full price and possible legal action against <br />me and others involved in the fraudulent use of vouchers. <br />Please mail completed application to: THE $20 FIX, P.O. Box 12568, Raleigh, NC 27605. If you need help filling out the application, please call <br />919-870-1660 ore-mail: thefixCa) Please do not mail payment with application. <br />~t~;. ~ . <br />;~ .,St y ~~ ~ ~~-r s ~,~~~ ~ v ~r t ~~~~ F. , x,.- <br />