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z <br />Thirty (30) spays and neuters were performed in the first quarter of 2009, the only full quarter for <br />which such information is available under the existing agreement between AnimalKind and <br />Orange County. Staff expects this number to grow as the program grows and becomes better <br />known to DSS clients and other qualifying residents of Orange County. Staff also expects the <br />already large demand for "low cost" and "no cost" pet sterilization to significantly increase in <br />coming years as a result of the economic recession. <br />It is the opinion of Animal Services staff and the Animal Services Advisory Board (ASAB) that <br />this program is good public policy, good fiscal policy, and a wise investment of economic <br />resources. Ultimately the issue of overpopulation and euthanasia cannot be addressed through <br />adoption and placement alone. It must be addressed at its root -namely, the reproduction of <br />unwanted litters of animals. A decrease in unwanted numbers entering the shelter will equate to <br />a decrease in the number of animals the shelter must care for each year, saving the County and <br />its residents the costs of caring for those animals. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The $15,000 for this agreement comes from the Community <br />Spay/Neuter Fund created by the BOCC in FY2007-08 from the increased pet licensing <br />differential. <br />The cost of the County offering this type of program on its own, just examined from the <br />prospective of needed human resources, would be prohibitive. It would not be possible to <br />organize the veterinary services needed nor the time and human resources required to <br />effectively manage and oversee such a program. Under the agreement, AnimalKind receives a <br />$5 administrative fee as part of the cost for each surgery, considerably less than the resources <br />needed for the County to provide a service of equivalent value. A public/private partnership of <br />this kind will make it possible to provide services that the County would otherwise be unable to <br />provide, greatly benefiting the residents, pets and taxpayers of Orange County. <br />It is critical to underscore the return on investment that such collaboration will offer. With <br />spay/neuter services provided to more residents of the County and fewer animals coming into <br />the shelter in the medium and long run, it will not only decrease the number of animals <br />euthanized in the County, but also the costs incurred by sheltering these animals in the coming <br />years and decades. It is expected this agreement will cover the costs of approximately 175 <br />spays and neuters for the pets of low income residents in the first year. In the long run, it is <br />expected this number to be in addition to those funded by AnimalKind's own fundraising efforts. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board approve the agreement <br />between the County and AnimalKind for FY 2009-10 in the amount of $15,000 for the spay and <br />neuter of pets belonging to low income Orange County residents and authorize the Chair to sign <br />the agreement subject to final review by staff. <br />