Orange County NC Website
the Lincoln Center renovation figure is that estimated by the cam- ~~~ <br />mittee, and that this has not yet been approved by the Board; and that <br />the item to be included in the renovations bf the three schools have not <br />been determined, but that the Board will need to decide between various <br />alternatives, including heatzng and electrical system updating, air <br />conditioning, and library updating and expansion. <br />Dlr. Howard as][ed whether the future a£ the Northside School has been <br />decided, idr, Gattis said that Diental Health will occupy the facility <br />and space will not be available for additional county services. <br />Dir. Howard said that he sees a need for $20,000,000 worth of capital <br />expenditures over the next ten years, that the county is currently <br />providing about $800,OOD for the two school .systems' capital expendi- <br />tures•annually,. which leaves a gap of $12,000,000, assuming that the <br />current tax base, tax rate and spending pattern continued. He said <br />that pay-as-you-go funding of $1,200,000 annually will mean a 20~ tax <br />rate increase, and that this would put a burden on the present genera- <br />. tion of county taxpayers for payment of facilities that will be used <br />over a long number of years. He said that he sees a bond issue as the <br />only way of financing these projects. <br />D:r. Riddle said that the tax rate increase of 20d assumes that there <br />will be no additional county needs, and said that paying in one year <br />projects that total $6,000,000 may mean a tax rate increase for that <br />year of 50~. <br />Dirs. Denny asked about the limit as to the amount of bonds the County <br />can issue. Dir. Gattis said that the statutory limit is 8/0 of the <br />assessed evaluation, which is nearly $700,000,000 which gets up to the <br />$56,000,000 level. He said that the present outstanding bonds, which . <br />were issued in 1967, amount to about $5,000,OOD, and that he feels this <br />amount, plus an additional $10,000,000 in the proposed projects, would <br />be within prudent limits. <br />Dlr. Howard asked whether a growth of tax base can be anticipated in <br />Orange County. Nir. Gattis said that the county has just gone through <br />a period of rapid growth because of construction of shopping centers <br />and apartments complexes, but that the expansion is now minimal. He <br />said that the county is having an increase in residents who live in <br />trailers, with an average of 1.5 additional trailers per day being <br />_ occupied. He said that this type of expansion represents a tax loss, <br />since one public school student from a trailer or a private residence <br />means more expenses to the county than income from the property can <br />cover. <br />kir. Lindsay Efland said that the political reality of lack of success <br />of bond issues should be considered. He said that many areas of the <br />county are feeling the affects of recession, and it is questionable <br />whether bands would be approved. <br />Dirs. Scroggs said that the agrees a $10,000,000 bond issued would <br />not pass, but said that the county residents should be made aware that <br />if they wish to have certain services, then they have to pay for them. <br />She said that she, personally, cannot choose whether to fund schools <br />or jail and courts, and that she would not like to see the county <br />get back in the situation where schools have to be constructed on an <br />emergency basis after the students are already enrolled. <br />Dirs. Garrett asked how Orange County Shool Board. members feel about <br />a bond issue. <br />Mr. Compton said that he shares the feeling that a bond issue is not <br />popular in northern Orange, and that he feels the School Board is not <br />enthusiastic abound bonds. He said that there is a feeling that money <br />is spent more freely if bond money is used. <br />Dir. Coleman said that he feels more information has to be made available <br />before a decision on bonds is made, since at this time the County needs <br />are not really known. He said that he zs not in favor of a bond issue <br />if the projects can be funded otherwise, since it is difficult to pass <br />bond issues in northern Orange <br />Dirs. Garrett said that there seems to be an agreement that Efland-Cheeks <br />Sbhool has to be renovated, but that a problem exists since work on the <br />jail and courthouse cannot be delayed for thx'ee years. <br />N.r. Gustaveson asked whether anyone has suggestions for alternative <br />funding of these projects. <br />