Minutes - 19760204
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19760204
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Task Force sessions, public hearings and a hearing attended <br />by three agency directors provided information that reinforced <br />knowledge at hand and pointed to the suggestion that expenditures <br />of $500,000.00 be made in the Fairview-West Hillsborough Community. <br />There is urgent need for anticipation of a program being <br />opened to the county-at-large, particularly in the Efland-Cedar <br />Grove area. There is specific need for attention to and for pro- <br />tection of the Alamance-Orange water shed by installation of an <br />adequate sewer service. Then the St. John's,5unny-side and <br />Rvger's Road Communities need up-grading; with attention to sewer <br />service, housing rehabilitation, recreation and paving. <br />Residents of Fairview-West Hillsborough expressed need for <br />sewer extension and service with particular attention to the <br />Secondary Road 1330 loop. Their second most important need, stated, <br />was for Recreation facilities such as swimming ppols, tennis courts, <br />day care centers and parks. There was discussion of the hazard for <br />children who live north of Highway X70 and must cr®sa that dangerous <br />road to reach recreation facilities. Participants pondered the <br />possiblility of having recreation facilities on the land near the <br />new county garage. <br />There was citizen support expressed for the Hillsborough Plan. <br />They also expressed need for water service;-:for fire hydrants; for <br />paving of streets and improvement of drainage along those streets; <br />for trash bins and improved countgr-wide trash collection and in- <br />creased "pick-up :' Community health; medical care (county-wide) and <br />improving conditions around quarries were also mentioned. From <br />Fairview-West Hillsborough came requests for fire protection. North <br />Orange for employment training and opportunities, for developing <br />day care homes, training facilities and equipment, for sidewalks <br />around schools and for shelters at bus stops. <br />These needs could be worked into a comprehensive plan. The <br />needs speak to the obSectives which will be served. Activities and <br />benefits to be achieved can be identified by the applicamt's <br />priorities, particularly if attention is called to the use of un- <br />employed in housing rehabilitation and if recreation needs ere pre- <br />sented with people-need and participation emphasized. Mr. Weston <br />has impressive figures of what is presently taking place with poor- <br />existing or non-existent recreation facilities. A map or maps are <br />available from the County Planning Department and Trsangle J Council <br />of Governments. <br />The $500,00.00 grant would begin to meet some of Orange County's <br />needs for 1976. <br />Citizens of Cedar Grove feel the need of Recreation for young <br />and old and help to finish Cedar Grove Community Center (renovate <br />the section mot being used , Cedar Grove School). <br />Their third most important need is paving of the roads in the <br />Jordan Grave area. Need of industrial plants and low income housing <br />were given equal ranking, Secondary Road #1591 needs paving and <br />last but not least of their most important needs was the need for <br />better housing. <br />The participants from Cedar Grove ware prepared to share their <br />views. These most important needs were followed by the needs to <br />have the Cedar Grove School re-opened; for more trash bins; for Subs <br />for retired people who era able to work; for transportation of <br />senior citizens; for day care; for a steering committee for the <br />Jordan Grove area and for classes vn how to start small businesses. <br />Citizens from Efland see recreation personnel and facilities <br />for children and teen-agars as their most important need. Day care <br />and a complete sewer system rank second. They need better roads for <br />health and safety. as well as for transportation. There was dis- <br />cussion of the problems created by dry unpaved roads, particularly <br />in summer and about the need to have the ditches mash twined. A <br />"hot-line" is seen as a way of connecting people in distress with <br />a listenur.who could provide guidance. Some participants wanted <br />prevention-oriented health care and a health program (other than <br />the Health Department) in each community, without charge to clients <br />and with increased availability (hours). Others wanted discount <br />medical facilities for the elderly;. <br />iii <br />
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