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Januar~T of 19?6, and was referred back to the Planning Board ,or .? 90 <br />additional study, I;s e result of the additional stud;;, tt-,e P.e^r, '._:~ <br />L'vard changed its ori~;i^al position of uncuaiified approval of ~::.°.s <br />plat to one of te:.tative approval thy: res~;lt of: <br />1, Satisf~ctor;,~ percolation test results or. each 1.v t, <br />2, i•, detail soil survey of the entire tract b;,T a qualifie? <br />soil scientist to determine the feasibility of the indivic:,:F;, <br />ep c tt~~nl;.. <br />3~. are adequate sediment control plan. <br />;~r. Edwards stated that the developer of Timberline had agreed <br />that each lot would have four (1.~) holes bored for perk tort and t!~^t <br />• this would be done by a soil scientist in order.•that the final plat <br />would reflect all charges that wore needed to be made in the area. <br />Discussion ensued. <br />Commissioner l^Jalker moved that the plat for Timbarl.ine ba apr~roted <br />subject to the condition set forth by the Planning Depart:nert, <br />This motion died for lack of a second. <br />::r. Robert J. Page, Developer of Timberline, spoke to the <br />conditions that had been outlined by P1r. Edwards. He stated thFt if <br />sewerage lines were available they wiould be installed. However, the <br />Town of Chapel Hill would not be able to confirm an~* lines far a <br />period of three to five yeErs. He stated that he had every intentions <br />of complying with the PlanninC Ordinance and that he would like to <br />have an approval of the Preliminary :'let in order to xove ahead with <br />tine development of the property. He stated that he would agreed to <br />install sewer lines if they cpuld be secured, Chairman 'Garrett <br />advised ;;r. Page that the Board wished to have an Opportunity to <br />talk with the Town of Chapel Hill on the 16th of the month ir_ order <br />to secure an answer to the current sewerage problem, This matter <br />would be brought back to the Board: <br />Upon,motior. of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted that the Board defer action o: <br />the Timberline plat ur_til the first _~Ionday ir. March, <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item ~9 on the Agenda: Represents- <br />.. tives of Triangle J Council of Governments will review a series of <br />comments they prepared for presentation to the United States Corp of <br />r,nginesrs concerning the B. Everett Jordon Dam and Reservoir. <br />(This Discussion took place during lunch), <br />N;r. Frank Chamberlain filed with the Board Environmental <br />Statements which had been completed by the Triangle J Council of <br />Governments concerning the B. Everett Dam and Lake. <br />I".r. Chamberlain introduced Roger Schecter, t_he Environmental <br />Advisor, on the 208 Staff;e Triangle J. David Reynolds, :~r,• <br />Schecter, Pearson Stewart, and Frank Chamberlain worked in the pre- <br />paration of this report which stated thEt the supplemental environ- <br />mental impact statement of the'Gorps of Engineers :rust be commented <br />upon by any interested party before February yth, if they-desired <br />to supplement or contradict the statement prepared by the Corp of <br />Engineers. <br />i~r. Schecter slated that the Council of_Governments has made <br />essentially five :recommendations about-the Supplemental Environmental <br />Impact Statement: <br />1, Impoundment should not be allowed until the area 201 <br />studies are completed. <br />2, Intensive mor_itoring for water quality. <br />_. 3. The.Corp of Engineers and Council of Government should <br />work to determine significance of non point sources of <br />pollutior_, <br />~. P•lanagement plans for wildlife and forrestry should be <br />developed for dry dam operation. <br />s. The Corp of Engineers should perform additional cost <br />benefit studies for: <br />e. Dry Dam operation <br />___, b, Multipurpose reservoir operations <br />The County Commissioners agreed to adept the document <br />entitled "Regional Comments concerning the Final Er_cTironmental <br />Statement for the $. Everett Jordan Dam and Lake" as chair posi- <br />