Orange County NC Website
? ~s <br />Yes, the Board approves the use of natural gas to heat the <br />County~s Vehicle Maintenance facility. <br />B. If the Board selects natural gas as a fuel to heat this <br />structure will the Board authorize the Chairman to sign a <br />contract ($750) to install a gas line into this property. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Walker, it was moved and adopted that the Chairman be authorized <br />to sign a Contract to fns tall Natural Gas lines. <br />C. If the Board does not select natural gas what other fuel <br />should we use? <br />Not applicable based on previpus fiction taken. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item #14: A short report from <br />the Chairman about the Youth Needs Task Force. <br />Chairman Garrett 'stated that of ter the Youth Services Needs <br />Task Force had been officially organized and its purposes defined <br />and needs assessed, that this Task Force might wish to come to- <br />g~ther on a regional basis. She presented letters from different <br />@gencies that had recommended names to the Youth Servides Needs <br />Task Force. The Board agreed to nominate the list as presented <br />as members of the Youth Services Needs Tssk Force and to request <br />Harry Derr to act as temporary Chairman. <br />Chairman Garrett asked the County Manager, to .make a report <br />on Item #15.: Progress being made towards developing a new County <br />Personnel Ordinance. <br />Mr. Gattis stated that the Board had received copies of a <br />sample Ordinance from the State Personnel Department. <br />The Board agreed to review the sample Personnel Ordinance at <br />the February l7th meeting. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item ~# 16: Special meetings <br />tentatively set for February 4th and 10th should be approved. <br />The meeting on February 4th will be held to hear the County's <br />Community Development Task Force report. The Emergency Medical <br />Services Council will also make a repent on its communications <br />system plan. The meeting on the 10th, which will be at Lincoln <br />Canter in Chapel H3a 1, will be with the Orange County and Chapel <br />Hill Boards of Education to discuss long range school building <br />needs. <br />Chairman Garrett stated that this was just a reminder of the <br />scheduled meeting by the County Manager. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Whitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Pinney, it was moved and adopted that the Board approve the scheduled <br />meetings as presented on the Agenda. <br />The Chairman referred to Item #17: The Board of Commissioners <br />was provided with a memorandum citing the need to proceed with the <br />calling for bids on five new police cars. If the Board of Commis- <br />sinners would like to review the vehicle specifications, the County <br />Manager is ppepared to da this. If you are satisfied with the speci- <br />fications as they presently are drawn, I would like to go forward <br />with this project. All bids will be brought back to the Board of <br />Commissioners fvr their final approval. <br />The County Manager advised the Board that with their approval <br />the County was now ready to proceed for calling of bids for new <br />police cars. He inquired of the Board if there was any comment <br />concerning this bid process? <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner <br />. Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted that the County Manager be <br />authorized to proceed with the bid process and the purchase of five <br />police cars. <br />